Our Date 3

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It's been a week. We've kept to ourself, safe in an appartment on mainland that Rafe somehow had access to. It all felt weird, Rafe was taking extra care of JJ 'cause he was the one who took that rejection the hardest. He kept his goofy attitude, his teasing traits but it all felt empty. He was filled with self - hatred and Rafe and I couldn't unsee it. So, we tried to talk to him the best we could, try and understand his feelings. But he rejected our help, he just wanted time to sort things out on his own. I think he was just scared. JJ was always scared, scared and angry, and that we saw. He would snap at the most insignificant things. But he was careful to hide it the best he could, he didn't want to appear weak.

'JJ, you're okay? You're spacing out again.', he nodded and stood up to go to the balcony. Rafe sighed, he started picking at his nails looking anxiously at the blondie just outside the window.'Hey, I'll talk to him. Keep your hands away from your mouth.', he immediatly frowned and hurried his hand away. 'We already tried that, he won't talk to us about anything.' He seemed desperate, I stood up and peck his cheek. 'Then we'll just try again.'

I opened the door mechanically and sat in the armchair waiting for JJ to speak. He was smoking a blunt. Surprising, I know. He decided to simply fixed his gaze on my hands, observing my fingers.'You're keeping us out.', he threw his head back, exhaling. 'Yeah, I know.' So he admitted it but he made no other attempt to communicate. He sat next to me, cuddling to my side. 'I'm tired.' I smiled sadly as I started strocking his hair and after a good 10 minutes, I felt his body relaxed and his breathes steady. 

I awaken to quiet sobs, worried hushed and sweet talk. I turned around to face Rafe with JJ in his arms, his back turned to me. His shoulders were jumping and I could see the painned look in Rafe's eyes. I gently approached my hand from the blondie's back until my fingers clashed with his skin. He flinched and sobbed louder at the realization I was awake. 
'I'm sorry..', I hushed and cuddled up to him.
'It's okay sweetheart, let it all out. We're here for you.' Rafe was panicking, looking for my eyes to communicate his nervousness as JJ suddenly clenched harder on his shirt. Rafe was quick to confort him. Gently peppering his face with kiss.'Love, it's alright. We're all in this together, 'kay?'

I walked out of the kitchen with the glass of water JJ asked for but when I walked in, I witnessed that he was already deep asleep in Rafe's arms. Rafe seemed completly broken.'He'll be fine, Rafe. He just need to realize it's not his fault.' Rafe nodded but still seemed worried. 'Why couldn't they accept you? It's not like the three of us were going to move in John B's place and they'll to be our bridemaids for real. You were their friends.', I sighed and sat next to the sleeping JJ.'Kie and Pope were not that upset about the all thing, mostly surprised by the nature of our relationship but John B's reaction was just to much for us. I don't think he's mad at us for the relationship in itself. He always respected our choices, he just hate the idea of a third person being... YOU.' That thought in itself made my heart sting. I felt a tear slid down on my right cheek but I was quick to dry my face. 'Listen, we love you Rafe, and nothing can change that.' We heard a rumble and blond hair popped out from under the duvet. That simple action, made a smile appear on our face, and I couldn't help but giggle.

'JJ is still in bed but we could go out in the evening.', Rafe nodded while opening the fridge. 'What do you think about eating pizzas on the beach? We could just go have a drink afterwards.' I agreed and joined JJ in the bedroom after hugging Rafe. I jumped on the bed, making JJ rolled to the opposite side.'You know what?', he looked up, 'No, but you're going to tell me.' he teased. 'We're having pizza tonight on the beach. The one Rafe told us about.' He sat up, still hidden under the duvet.'Really? We have to buy beers.', I frowned and went back to the kitchen followed by JJ now full of life. I checked the fridge and sighed. 'You guys drank all of it.', I turned to the couch were the both of them were laid down, Rafe on top of JJ. 'Blondie did.' And they started bickering childishly. I ignored them and sat in the armchair on the balcony, closing my eyes, enjoying the cool wind and the sound of the waves.

JJ | Rafe - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now