Angry | Fluff

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(x Male reader)

"How do you feel??", I sat up frustrated and let a loud sigh escape my lips. "What do you think? I feel like shit, it wasn't supposed to turn out that way. It's been so long since I got THAT angry. He wasn't supposed to be there.", I looked at the beach by the window trying to stop myself from eating my entire fingers in nervousness.

My psychologist acknowledged my nervousness  and after calming me down, she walked me to the door. "Just stick to your treatment, okay?", I nodded and quickly walked away.

I sat in my car, clutching at the steering wheel with all my strength. "~JusT StiCk tO yOUr tReaTMeNt, Y/N~", I mimicked angrily. "~EVErytHIng Will Be FinE~", I drove home angrily trying to repress my anger by diving my nails as much as I could in my palms.

"FUCK", I parked in my alley next to Ward's car. I really didn't want to see him or Rafe right now. I slowly opened the door and closed it behind. I heard Ward arguing with my mother in the kitchen as I was discreetly trying to get to the stairs.

I heard a door opened behind me, and a beaten Rafe walked out of our garage. He locked eyes with me as I put my fingers to my lips, trying to prevent him from telling the adults I was here.

"Hey, Y/M/N. Your son is here.", I frowned in annoyance and tried to run away in my room but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I sat down in my kitchen fidgeting with my finger nervously. "Something to say in your defence??", Ward seemed really pissed. I looked up to Rafe and seeing his big smirk made my blood boil.

" 'Cause I feel like having I.E.D isn't an excuse anymore. Look at my son, look at what you did to his face. Is it OK with you?? ", I whispered a 'no' and looked down, doing my best not to explode and beat him up.

"Is it OK with you??", I felt anger rise more. "NO, but he asked for it. He was being super disrespectful to a friend of mine. She got embarrassed and when I asked him to stop, he grabbed her waist just to embarrass her more.", my mother gently grabbed my shoulder and told me to go to my room.

I splashed water on my face trying to calm down, still seeing Rafe's smirk like it was burn on my eyelid. I grabbed a pillow and dived my face in it trying to repress that need to smash Ward and Rafe's face on a wall.

My hands started to shake and my breath to quickened. I couldn't feel my knuckles because of how hard I was squeezing my fist up.

After some time, I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't as angry as I was before. It was dark outside and I opened my window to take a breath. The anger left a weird feelings in my stomach; guilt.

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number but it wasn't picking up, I called John B, Kie, Sarah (even through she might not want to see me right now) then Pope but the all seemed to be busy.

I reluctantly dialed JJ's number and to my surprise, he picked up. I asked for his help, telling that I was in my room and he agreed in coming helping me.

It's not that I didn't like JJ, in fact, it was the opposite. It's just that after what happened to the party, I really was ashame. It was the first time he witnessed me lost control and totally dived in my anger. I remembered snapping out and looking up to meet his terrified gaze. I got scared and left hurriedly.

Our relationship was kind of complicated. The kind of relationship love/hate, we first didn't really got along until I learnt about his father and exploded his car. Then it was more of a basic friendship. We had fights and fought a lot but at the end we would still stick together. But a couple of weeks ago, our situation changed to something we both didn't expected and it wasn't really wanted by the both of us. So... we avoided each other since.

15 minutes later, my window slammed open and JJ was surprised to see me curled up in a ball under my fluffy duvet with the hood of my hoodie envelloping my face.

He threw his bag on the floor and joined me in the bed. He embraced me, letting my slide my legs against his and my arms around his torso.

"What's going on??", I didn't answer and just tightened my grip. I let him play with my hair. The feeling was slowly disappearing as I relaxed in his touch. "I-I just got overwhelmed."

"With the party thing??", I nodded and dived my face in his neck. "You were scared of people hating?! 'Cause no Pogues hate you. I can assure you that." The guilt completely disappeared and JJ felt tears wet his T-shirt.

I started mumbling and at some point I didn't even know what I was saying. I decided to take a breath." I-I was scared you'll hate me. I don't know why??", I felt his arms squeeze me more and his lips brush my forehead.

"I can't hate you.", he paused, letting my curiosity want to know why I couldn't. "I don't know if it's just me and I feel that it's not the case but... something change. I mean, between us.", he gestured his thoughts pointing me with one of his fingers.

I acted like I didn't understand what he meant, wanting to hear it from his mouth." I feel different about you. At party, I-I couldn't help but look at you and Kie dancing together and-and.... . I felt my blood boiling.", he dived his face in my neck to hide his red cheeks.

"Listen, I-I think I like you? Maybe? I don't know, it feels like it. And when you snapped back from your trance and you looked at me in the eyes, I felt so worried I couldn't chase after you. I'm-I'm sorry.", I cupped his cheeks with my hands resting my forehead on his.

"I feel different about you as well. I can't tell if it's love or I don't the fuck it can be. I just... I was scared to face you for weeks so I avoided you." He gazed at you again. "Don't look at me like that. I know you did it too, don't lie to me!", he chuckled and gripping your waist.

After some time of hesitation, I felt soft lips on mine and closed my eyes. It was soft, it surprised me I never saw JJ being gentle with the Tourons he made out with.

"Did-did you like it??", I smiled carresing his cheeks. "Of course, dummy. I wouldn't have kiss you back, overwhise.", JJ clashed his lips on mine asking with his tongue permission to explore my mouth. I gladly agreed.

Then we got from kiss to make out, I felt my stomach feeling with butterfly. JJ pulled back, panting and smirked at my swollen lips. He slipped his left hand under my hoodie, he gently slid his hand under my boxer.

"Can-Can I make you feel good?? Please??", like I was going to stop him, this idiot. "Don't stop, I'm waiting...", he grabbed my hoodie, helping me and throwing it on the floor.

"I think I love you in the end!!", I simply smiled to his declaration. "I might feel the same Maybanks."

JJ | Rafe - OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora