Issues |Angst

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The sand was covering my feet as I sat rolled up watching the waves. My back hurt so bad, I couldn't even move. I tried to hide my face as much as I could just in case someone will see, even if no one was there.

I sighed finally lifting my head looking at the waves. "It's painful Mum. I don't think I can take it much longer.", there was a long silence while a slowly close my eyes.

"What's painful??", I turned around seeing a blond tall boy watching directly at my face. He also looked beaten up but I was so ashamed of my face that I quickly hid it back in my tighs.

He sat next to me and his hand found its way to my shoulder. "Don't have to hide it. Have the same, anyway.", I slowly looked up at the sea. I was too shy to look at him but he clearly wasn't. I finally made eyes contact and he smiled.

"Can I ask a question??", I shyly nodded."If you're talking to your mother, did your father did that??", he gestured to my face. I nodded again. "Then now, we're the issues friends.", he extended his hand to me.

I took it and finally decided speak. "Do-do you want to... talk about it??", he chuckled. "Nothing much to talk about. My father's a dick, that's all. As much as yours.", I frowned. "He's not a dick, I'm-I'm always bothering him.", I looked back at my feet.

"Did you ever talked of this to anyone??", "No...",his smile disappeared. "If you did, you'll know that it's not your fault.", he put some of my hair behind my ears and gently pulled me in a side-hug.

I groaned at the contact of his arm and my back. And he stopped. "That's the painful thing you were talking about??", I gazed away because I didn't want to lie. "Can I look??", my eyes widened. "No, No, No. Absolutely not!!", he pulled back his hand. "Okay but then you'll have to go get the hospital to check on it for me."

I didn't wanted to go so told him to fuck off. He just laughed. "Okay, then show me!!", I shyly lifted the back of my hoodie and stopped mid-way. At the moment he took a look at it, I put it back. I hated my back. It was full of bruise and scratches and marks from my father's belt.

"It-It's his belt, it really hurts.", I looked back to the water and the sun and after sometimes I felt arms and legs gently wrapped around my body. The warmth is so needed that I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up in a bed, trapped in the boys arms. Thinking about it, I didn't know his name. He started moving and after sometimes he smiled and looked at me. "Hi sweet pea.", I cut him off. "Where am I??"

Arfter some explanations, I walked out hiding behind JJ, yes now I have his name. We faced three of his friends that I really didn't wanted to talk to. "John B, Pope, Kie. This Y/N. Y/N, this is John B, Pope and Kie.".

I shyly waved and discreetly pulled JJ's sleeve. "Okay,... we'll leave. Have a nice day." We walked away and JJ sat me in an old van. "Your-your friends they didn't react to our state. Why-why didn't they pity us??", JJ smiled. "They are my friends they know better then to pity me or... you."

We arrived at a local market where JJ checked the cashier. "Listen... huh, I really, really really need a medical kit.", the cashier cut him off. "And you don't have money, again. It's the third to this week JJ, I can't.", I shyly emerged from JJ back and the woman's eyes widened. She sighed, "Just this time...".

I don't know why she helped us but I wasn't going to complain. We walked to the medical alley, I didn't really know this market. It was the first time in weeks that I was out. I couldn't really leave my house before that.

"That one will do the job. Believe me.", I nodded grabbing the end of his sleeve as we walked back to the cashier. "Y/N, sweetheart. What are you doing here?? Who is that??"

I froze, every muscle I have became numb. I turned around facing my father who acted worried. "I searched for you everywhere yesterday. Were you with this boy?? Daddy was worried sick because of you.", I felt shame drowned me to the ground as his hand grabbed my shoulder making me flinch.

"Listen, I don't know you. I don't want her to approach you, young boy.", a shiver appeared in my back. "He-he is a-a friend.", they was a long silence. My father tried to grab my hands but after some try, JJ's hand grabbed mine and we rushed out of the shop, running to the van.

He drove away as I hid myself under a blanket that was on the floor. "I-I'm sorry about that. I-I didn't know... he-he would be here.", he grabbed my hand as I flinched. "He-he was fucking scary. He gave me goosebumps.", I chuckled at him. Yeah, he truly is scary, I answered.

"Do you think, he'll vall the police on us??", I sighed. "Why would he?? The only reason he wanted me home and away from you was to use me as a punchingball. I'm tired of it. I'm just a stress reliever, he won't call the police for this.", I murmured.

JJ parked at some random beach on the cut and sat me at the back of the van. He cleaned my face and I did my back by myself.

After sometimes, there was a long silence as we watched the sunset. I suddenly felt a pair of warm lips on mine and I smiled. Wasn't so bad after all??

JJ | Rafe - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now