The Sister | Fluff

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"I'm sorry guys but I won't go to the party tonight. I gotta pick up Y/N at school and take care of her this evening.", those exact words seemed out of character, mostly when you knew the dirty blond troublemaker, but for two months now it has been more and more recurent.

Pope's eyes widened and he turned to Kie. "You sure you don't want me to take care of her? I can babysit here, at the Chateau. I wasn't going anyway.", Kie stated facts but JJ objected and grabbed the Twinkie's keys.

"I'll stay. Movie night, the three of us while Pope and JB just go to the party?", Pope turned to JB, frowning. "I say movie night with all the pogues!", JB exclaimed. "Guys, you don't have to...", but Kie's glare stopped JJ for further complains about their change of plan.

He parked on the parking lot and walked to the gates where many curious mothers were eyeing the poor boy.

What is he doing here?

He's so young. What a shame the last girl he hooked up with got pregnant!! *chuckles*

Is he the son Maybanks? Now I understand, better having the son than the father passed out on the pavement.

Poor thing.

JJ clenched his fist, doing his best to ignore their insulting comments about a situation they knew nothing about. 5 minutes later, a crowd of children's ran out to the gates with the teacher carefully opening it, letting go of childrens only when she spotted their parents.

JJ knew something was wrong when he noticed his sister, eyes puffy sat behind her teacher. He sighed and waited for everyone to leave to approach the intimidating woman.

He waved, not really trusting his voice. "She fought with a student from the upper-class. Again!", she said dipleased. JJ sighed, having the same feeling in his stomach from when his father was confronting him on something. "She has lines due for tomorrow. And I have to tell you that we won't accept the attitude anymore. It's her last chance."

Walking back to the car, JJ secured the blond little girl to his right before climbing in behind the wheel, letting a long sigh filled the van. "I can explain, big bro!!", JJ turned to her, anger filling his veins. "Oh, you can? That's perfect because I need an explanation. We'll talk about this at the Chateau, don't bother wasting saliva from now!"

Kie frowned when she walked in to see the younger Maybank copying lines. She took a look over her shoulder and winced when she saw the paper.

I should not respond with violence at school.

"You got in a fight! Again!!", JJ was sat in front of his sister clearly mad at her behavior. She silently put down her pencil and looked up to her brother. "I'm done big bro.", she looked up at Kie and quickly looked away.

JJ cleared his throat and sat down next to her. He breathed in, clearly suppressing his violent wave of frustration. "What is wrong with you? We talked about that with Kie. You can't act on impulse.", the girl nodded and turned to face her brother.

There was a long silence before the young girl muttered something under her breath. "Speak up Y/N. I can't hear you.", she gulped and readjusted on her seat and spoke up again. "They insulted mother.", Kie and JJ froze, processing her version of the story.

Kie was the first to react, hugging Y/N's small frame. "It's okay sweetheart, next time just tell your teacher.", there was an awkward silence at the end of which JJ stood up and cleaned hurriedly the table.

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