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Ash grab the doorknob annoyed and shut the person in front of him with an annoyed look.

''Whoa! What's with that face bro..its too early in the morning.'' Dean asked laughing and make his way inside Ash's unit. He let out a sighed and locked the door behind him then followed his friend in the liiving room.

'''What are you doing here? Its too early in the morning to invade people's privacy.'' He asked standing in the middle of the living room with his arms crossed on his chest while looking at his friend laying on his couch smiling at him.

''Aw! Stop being so serious Ash..I just want to visit you. You did not tell me that you moved out on your parents house. I went there yesterday but Aunt told me that you moved out.'' Dean said while sitting on the couch with his leg crossed.  He put his hands inside his pocket and just shrugged his shoulder leaving his friend and went to the kitchen when he remember his breakfast.

Dean followed him and put his arms around his shoulder.
''Do you have something to eat? I'm starving already.'' Dean whined. "I haven't eaten breakfast yet" Dean said.
"Are you here for free food?'' He asked while he settled on his seat.

Dean ignored him and went his way to the refrigerator and checked something he can eat.
''So what are your plan for today?'' Dean said while he was holding a box of milk in his hand.
''Nothing I'll just finished all my paper works then I'll go home for dinner.'' He answered between his meal.
''Let's get some drinks later..my treat.'' Dean said pouring a milk on his bowl of cornflakes.
''I can't Mom is waiting for me..and Yves will be joining for dinner.'' Asher  answered finishing his food.
''Yves your cousin in the US?'' Dean asked
''Can I go with you? I wanna see her..I haven't meet her since she moved in the US..'' Dean said.
''Why? What is your plan again? Stop messing with her or you'll regret it.'' He said then he stood up to bring his plate in the sink to washed it.
''I'm not gonna do something..I just wanna see her..'' Dean said while finishing his food then he get up and stood beside him to washed his bowl.

Asher just shrugged his shoulder. Dean is still crazy about getting Yves back. Yves is Dean's favourite person to annoy but he knew that Dean like her.

Asher parked his car on their driveway and he noticed another sports car being parked at the other side of the driveway.
Maybe its Yves car. He get out of his car when another car parked beside his car. Its Dean. He stopped and wait for the person to get out of the car. He put his both hands inside his pocket and waited for Dean to get out. The person inside the car turned off the engine and hop in. Dean look so badass and chic with his tattered jeans,white shirt and a leather jacket and a black boots.

''New car?'' He said while he looked at the shiny black Lamborghini in front of him.

''Hm..my Dad gave me as a reward for closing the deal last week.'' Dean answered with a proud smile. Dean just like him is such a beast in business world and if you will asked how many cars he had on his collection it will definitely left you in awe. He patted his bestfriends shoulder and they make their way in his house.

The butler approached them and lead their way in the living room where his parents and the visitor is waiting for them.  His cousin notice them first and she stood up and approached them. She throw her arms around Ash's neck and gives him a kissed on his cheeks.

"Ian!! There you are! I missed you" Yves said smiling at him still clinging on his neck. Asher smiled and hugged her.  She looked like a living doll with her curvy and slim body and a long shiny blonde hair, and a thick lashes. A pointed nose paired with a thin red lips..she is so perfect that even Dean can't resist.

"How about me? You did not miss me?" Dean said and winked at her. Yves shut him a death glare and let go of his neck..

"Your boyfriend is starring...he might get jealous if you are acting like that in front of him." Asger said. Yves looked at the guy sitting and laughed.

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