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The limousine is already waiting for them outside the airport that will take them in their mansion in downtown Manhattan.
Asher settle himself inside the car he wasn't really tired coz he sleep the whole trip from Bangkok.

Their driver and household staff takes care of their suitcases and Ash went straight to his room when his Mom called  him. He stop in the middle of the stairs when he heard his mom.

''Ash,come down to eat.''
''No Mom..I'm not that hungry,I'll just take a shower then go to bed.''
''But you slept the whole trip..your still sleepy? You dont want to go out? I can call your cousins to accompany you.'' His Mom said smiling.
''No Mom..I wanna rest. I have an early meeting tomorrow..remember?'' Ash answered with a stoic face. His Mom gave up and just nodded. Asher went straight to his room and take off his clothes and went inside the shower.

Ash put on his pajamas and play some music to put him to sleep but he can't get his sleep. He stood up on his bed and went to the kitchen to brew some coffee. Then get back to his room. He opened his laptop and check his emails.
He work on some of his office stuffs and finished all the documents that he needs to review.

Its already 3am when he finished. Ash close his laptop and stretch his neck. Then stood up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and decided to went to bed. He doze off to sleep after a minute.


His parents is already waiting downstairs when Ash went down. He was wearing a pair of black suit. His mom approached him and fixed his necktie and smiled at him.

''Let's go?'' His Dad called them.Asher nodded and hold his mom and help her to the car waiting outside.
Asher don't understand why he feel so nervous and agitated when ts not his first time having a meeting with their investors abroad.

After an hour the car they was on stopped in a high and grandious building in the heart of New York. Its painted with black and made of glass. The driver open their car door and he let his parents get out first. The staff of the building greet them and they assisted to a meeting room.

They went inside a huge a meeting room that can accomodate 50 persons. It has a long black table equip with own laptops and mics. And their is a big grandious chandelier in the middle. A big screen infront of them and a different kind of big and small kinds of figurines and jars

They settled on their sit while waiting.After a couple of minutes the door open and the middle age man enter the room followed by a woman.
They stood up and his parents greeted the man. And they introduce each other.

"Ohh finally Brent you're here" The man said and he extend his hand to his father for a handshake same with his mom and to Ash. Ash looks confused on how they talk with his father.

"I'm sorry Von we dont get to meet when you visit in Bangkok last month we got a full schedule that time." His Dad explained. Mr Kanawut just laughed and they had a little talk catching up and Ash find out that they are colleague in college.

"Ohh by the way this is my only son Asher. Ash this is Mr Kanawut we known each other since collage and we are in a same circle" His father introduced him. He offered a wai and smile.

"Hm..nice to meet you Ash,let's just wait a minute my son is on his way here.." Mr Kanawut said smiling.

After a couple of minutes the door opened and a tall young man get inside. Ash is so busy reading the papers on his table that he did not bother to raise his gazed to the person that entered the room.

''Oh here he is'' Mr Kanawut said.

''Gian?'' Asher heard from his Dad.
''Gian?'' His Mom said.

''Hi Khun pHi? How are you?'' Asher heard the familiar voice so he slowly raise his gazed to the owner of that voice and he meet Gian's eyes. Asher felt like everything is literally stopped and just focused on him and Gian. They just stare at each other when Mr Kanawut voice chimned in.

''Ohh...you guys know each other?'' Mr Kanawut asked. Asher removed his gazed to Gian and bring back his attention to the papers infront of him. When he heard his parents voice happily talking to Gian.

''Yes Phi, we didn't expect that Gian is your son. He is friend with Yves my nephew and they are in Bangkok a year ago.'' His MOm explained. And Mr Kanawut laughed at the irony.

''Ash,did you know about this?'' His Dad asked him. Asher looked at his Dad.

''No Dad, I was surprised as well.'' Asher answered.

''I did not expect  this as well'' Gian answered looking at Asher but Ash ignored him and continue reading the documents.

''Ohh so we don't need any introduction here since you guys know each other'' Gian's father said. Asher just stay silent when his Mom puked him and get his attention. Ash look at his Mom.

''Ash? Are you okay?'' His Mom asked him worried.

''Yes Mom, I'm good.'' Ash answered and he smiled a bit.
''Hm..okay. You are so quiet.'' His Mom answered.
''Im okay Mom..I just got a litte headache.'' Ash answered. His Mom looked at him worried.
''Are you sure you're okay?'' She asked again.

''Is everything okay?'' Mr Kanawut asked worried.

''Ahh..Yes..Ash just having a headache.'' Her mom answered.
''Ohh...okay then lets start this meeting so Ash can go back and get some rest..'' Mr Kanawut said.
''Yeah..'' His Dad agreed while his Mom looked at him worried.

Ash started explaining about what's on the contract and tried to ignore Gian's presence. Asher miss him but when he remember that he was already back on his ex and he choose to ignore him it pained him. Asher can feel the pair of eyes that focused on him while he was discussing the contract but he just ignored it.

After discussing the matter both part agreed to it.

"I was okay with the contract..so lets just signed it now then lets celebrate.'' Mr Kanawut said smiling. Asher offered a wai and smiled.

After a minute the meeting come to an end..their parents decided to eat in a restaurant that Mr Kanawut reserved.

''Hmm..I'm sorry Sir but maybe i will join next time..Im not feeling well right now I just want to go back..Mom and Dad will join you ..If its okay with you and Gian Sir.'' Asher said apologizing.

''Its Okay Son..join us next time. Get some rest, you look so tired.'' Mr Kanawut said and his parents agreed.
''Thank you Sir. Hm..I'll go first. Thank you again'' Asher said and he offered a wai to Mr Kanawut and kiss his parents.

Asher stood up on his sit and headed his way out of the room without taking a glance to Gian. He close the door behind him and started walking out of the building and to his car. The driver opened the door and he was about to get inside  when he heard his name being called by a familiar voice.

Ash stopped and he turned around and he saw Gian walking toward him. Asher took a deep breath and look at Gian with stoic face.
Gian stopped in front of him.

''How are you? Are you okay?'' Gian asked with a worried face. Asher looked at Gian as if he was just asked a weird question.
Asher raised his eyebrow and looked at Gian with a serious face.
Gian looked at him with a worried face.

''What?'' Gian asked when he did not answer.
''Thanks but I'm okay. I just need some rest. I'll go now.'' Asher said and he was about to enter the car when he felt Gian's hands on his arms. Asher looked at the hands that holding his arms and then Gian's face.

''Can we talked?'' Gian said with a pleading look. Asher was about to answered when they heard a voice.

''Babe?'' Asher and Gian looked at the owner of the voice. And they saw a man walking towards them. Asher recognized he man's face. Its Fin, Gian's boyfriend.

''Babe,who is he?'' Fin asked looking at Ash. Asher looked at Gian and removed his hands that holding his arms. Gian looked at him but did not answer Fin's question.

''I'll go now.'' Asher said and went inside the car and the driver close the door for him. Asher did not spare any glances to the people outside his car and just look away until the car started.

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