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Asher went straight to his car and drove out of his condo's parking lot. He is raging with anger and pain. He don't know what to do he feel pain all over. Ash park his car on the side of the road and get the box of tissue on the backseat and tried to clean the blood that still dripping on his fist. He feel the pain from his wound but the pain the he was feeling right now is more unbearable

Asher punch the steering wheel while his tears dripping on his face. He slump his head on the the steering wheel while he was crying. He doesn't know how to deal this shit again. Its more painful than his break up with Sam. Asher stayed on that position until he calm down and he started the engine and went straight to the bar that he been with Dean earlier.

He parked his car and went inside the bar and settled in the bar counter. He ordered a bottle of whiskey and chugged the whole bottle. He wants to drown all of this pain and fell numb. He was trying to drain all the pain that he was feeling right now. Asher bring the bottle on his lips and chugged again.
Asher can feel the alcohol kicking in and he emptied the bottle of whiskey and ordered another bottle again.

Asher was so drunk after that 3bottles of whiskey when the bartender approach him and tell him that they will call a taxi for him but Asher insist that he can managed. The bartender just leave him alone. And Asher still there trying to emptied the last drop of whiskey in the bottle.

He stood up from his sit and get a bill on his wallet he dont care how much he gave to the bartender and started to walk outside while his knees is already wobbling but he managed to reach his car and unlock it and went inside.

Asher was so drunk that his head is already spinning and any minute he will passed out. He layed his head on the headrest of his car and after a couple oif minute he was started driving out of the bar's parking lot.


Gian woke up from the sound of his phone ringing. He check the clock on his bedside table and its still 5am.

Who is this calling him early in the morning. He grab his phone in the bedside table and the screen flashes Yves number. Gian frowned while he answered the phone. He was half awake. He answered it.

"Hello Yves." Gian answered still sleepy.

"Hello Ian.." Yves was crying in the other line. Gian sit on his bed and scratched his eyes.

"Yves,are you crying? What's wrong?" Gian asked worried.
"Its Ash..he got into an accident last night." Yves answered.
"What? How is he? How did you know?" Gian asked he stood up in bed worried.

"Aunt called me just now,he got involved in an accident last night. He was so drunk according to the investigation."

Gian remembered what happened between them last night Asher was so in raged last night and he was so hurt. He leave last night raging. Gian felt guilty on what happened so he bid goodbye to Yve and went to shower. He will call Asher's Mom to asked where Asher is.

Gian put on a cotton shirt and a jeans and his jacket. Its 5:30am so its not traffic. He grab his car keys and dialled Asher's moms number asked the location.
They send him the name of the hospital and Gian drive there.

He was thinking of Asher while on his way to the hospital.Its his fault why Asher got drunk and get into an accident. He felt guilty and he was praying that Asher is okay.

Gian parked his car in the private hospitals parking lot and get off. He was nervous and scared on what happened to Ash. He went straight to Ash room and he saw Ash parents talking to the doctor. The faces he was seeing on Ash parents indicates that Ash is in serious condition.

Gian waited them to finished talking before he approach them. When Ash moms started crying in his husbands chest and after a minute the Doctor leave them. Gian make his way to the two oldies worried. Ash Dad is trying to comfort his wife that crying.

"Aunt,uncle? How is Ash?" Gian asked worried and scared.
The two turned to him and Ash mom hugged him..Gian hugged her back while comforting him. He waited her to calm down before he asked again. Ash father was so worried that he just slump on a hospital bench outside Asher's room.

"How is Ash Aunt?" Gian asked while he was rubbing her back.

"The Doctor said that if Ash won't wake up in 24hrs he will be in a comatose and they dont know when he will wake up." Ash mom answered.
Gian feel his knees wobble so he seated on the bench. He can't believe what he just heard. Its his fault why this happened. If he just leave Asher alone and he did not try to reach out to him he will not cause him any pain.

Asher's mom said that Asher was so drunk that time of accident and he tried to drive to his condo. He did not wear his seatbelt that time so when he hit the pole at the side of the road he went out flying in the dashboard that resulted to an injury in his head and other parts of his body.

Gian let out a frustrated sighed and asked permission if he can see Asher. His Aunt nodded and Gian went inside his private room.
Gian walked inside and he was in total shocked when he saw Asher's condition. He had a tube all over his body connecting to a different machine inside the room. He can't recognized Asher now coz he has a bandaged in his head and face. He has a tube on his face and different part of his body.

Gian walked beside Ash bed and hold his hand. Gian can't control his emotion while he was staring at the person he love but he can't changed the fact that he is the reason why Asher is on that condition. Gian can't stop his tears from flowing while he squeezed Asher's hand ..

"I'm sorry Ash. I'm so sorry..." Gian pulled the chair beside him and sit beside Ash bed he was still holding Asher's hand. He lift it up to his lips and planted a small kiss while his tears is streaming down his face.

"Ash please wake up. I dont care if you'll be mad at me forever I can take that just wake up please..just wake up and curse me to death. You can blame me all you want I wouldn't care but please wake up. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I'm so sorry foir all of this. Ash please.." He was squeezing Asher's hand gently hoping that he would wake up.

Gian stayed on Asher's side when his parents enter the room.

"Ian,you are still here.? You can go home now we will just call you when he wake up." His uncle said but Gian just smile and shake his head.

"No Uncle.. I'm okay. I wanna stay here..I want to see Ash when he wakes up." Gian said and he looked at Asher.

"Are you sure?" His aunt asked. Gian smiled a bit and nodded.
"Okay,okay. We will leave you here now.." Asher's Dad said.
"Yes uncle..you and Aunt can go home first so you can rest.I can stay with Ash." Gian said.

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