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Its been a week since they came back from New York and Asher is back in his daily life. He meet up with Dean as always after office hour to chill. Dean is always sitting him up to some of his girl collegue for a blind dates and Asher just giving up to Dean.
He just want to hang out and not his intention to get in any relationship.

''So,how is your date with Shinne last night?'' Dean asked him.It was Friday night and they are having a drink in a club with a blast of loud musics. Asher put down his beer and looked at Dean unbelievably shaking his head.

''Seriously dude? Shinne is a total packaged.'' Dean said while he put his arms in Asher's shoulder. Ash just take a deep breath and check the time on his wrist watch.

''I'll go home now. I'm not in the mood.'' Asher said and he gulped his beer and stood up. Dean looked at him in protest.
''SeriouslyAsh? Its Friday for God's sake!'' Dean shout at his ears coz they can't hear because of the loud music in the bar.

''I don't care if its the end of the world..I wanna go home. Just enjoy the night. Bye!'' Asher shouted back. and he made his way out of the bar and went straight to his car. He just feel so exhausted and all he wants to do is take a warm shower and get to bed. He just finished two bottle of beer so he is not drunk.

Asher open his car and went inside. He drove out of the bar's parking lot and went straight to his condo. He locked his car and walked to the elevator..Asher check his time and it was too early so instead of going to his unit he push the elevator button to the roof top of his condo.

After a couple of minutes he step out of the elevator and walked his way to the left side of the roof top. When he notice a another person standing in the right side of the roof top looking at the beautiful night skyline of Bangkok. Asher ignored that person and continue walking to the bench and settled himself. He loosen his necktie and take a deep breath. The sky is full of stars and the night breeze is kissing his cheeks and it makes him more comfortable. Ash close his eyes and leaned in his back in the bench.

He was at that position when he heard a footsteps walking toward him and suddenly stop beside him. Ash did not open his eyes and just ignore whoever it is..maybe its the person who was standing in the other side earlier.

''Ash?'' Asher slowly opened his eyes and looked up to that familiar voice that called him. He narrowed his gazed and he saw Gian standing in front of him

He sit straight and swallowed the lump on his throat.

"Oh hi..what are you doing here?" Asher asked and he diverted his look from Gian to the lights that flickering in some buildings.
Asher heard the sounds of Gian sighing. He ignored it and walked to the railings of the rooftop and he make himself busy looking at the beautiful view of night skyline.

Asher heard the footsteps of Gian beside him. He just stand there and no one talked for a moment. A couple of minutes had pass and Asher decided to get back to his unit.

"I'll go back to my room first." Asher turn his back to leave but Gian hold his arm to prevent him from leaving.

"Can we talk Ash?" Gian said in a low voice. "Please?"
Asher take a deep breath and turned around to get back to where he was standing earlier and waited for Gian to talk.

" I'm sorry" Gian started.
"What are you sorry about.?" Asher asked still looking away.
"I'm sorry if I cut you out and did not communicate with you. I just did that to prevent myself from getting hurt again." Gian said that makes Asher looked at him.

Asher frowned on what he heard coz he did not get what he really mean.

"What do you mean?" Asher asked puzzled.
He heard Gian sighing. And he just waited for him to answer his question.

"I went back to New York when I found out that you and Violet is getting married. We are getting closer that time and Violet got threatened that I might ruined your wedding if I still stay with you." Gian said not looking at him.

Asher looked at him intently but did not say any words.

"Violet knows that Im already fallen in love with you. And before Violet talked to me I was already planning to leave. I'm sorry if I fell in love then left you.I dont want to ruin your relationship with Violet so I decided to leave and cut off our communication. I'm just here to clear this thing with you Ash. I'm not gonna force you to forgive me..I just want to clear myself with you before I get married." Asher looked at Gian to confirmed what he just heard and Gian looked at him back.

"What did you just say?" Asher asked he can feel a thousand stab of pain in his chest.

"Yes,Ash. I'm getting married 3months from now." Gian confirmed with a glistening in his eyes.

"Why?" Asher asked out of no where. He can't tell what he was feeling right now. He was hurt.

"Because we talked about it decided to get married." Gian said while wiping his tears.

Asher blow a punch on the wall beside him and followed by another punch. He was so frustrated and hurt and he want to bent it out. He doesnt know how many punch he did on that wall. Gian try to stop him coz his fist is already wounded and the blood is all over his fist but Asher try to get away from Gian's hold and look at him straight in the eyes with full of hatred and pain.

"Why did you come back? What for? You already cut me off from your life..why do you need to came back and hurt me again? I'm trying to moved on from you Gian. I waited for you coz you said you will come back. And the next thing I knew you cut me off from your life just because some stupid lame excuse you get? And now here you are explaining to me why you leave for good? I dont need any of your explanations Gian. And you have the guts to tell me that you love me and the next thing is confessing that you'll get married coz you love each other? What the hell?! You really gone too far to cause me so much pain."Gian tried to hold him while crying and trying to explain but Asher dont accept any of his explanation.

"Go and do what you want! I dont care! From now on forget everything about me and moved on with your life and I'll do the same. Have a happy life with your soon to be husband. And thank you. Thank you for hurting me." Asher walked out and went to the elevator leaving Gian..

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