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Its Monday morning and Gian was already on his office trying to finished all the paper works that he have been neglected during his abscence. His mind is still wandering to Asher. And he is worried on how he will handle Asher's parent but whatever happened he will accept it.

Gian finished the last page of his paper works and pile it on his table. He tried to set aside all of his problem and tried to finished all the documents that needs his sign. Gian did not notice the time when he's stomach started grumbling. He checked the time and its already 3pm and he skip a lunch time again.

Gian close his laptop and fixed the papers in his table. He stood up on his chair and stretch his back. When suddenly he get an urged to visit Asher in the hospital. Gian grab his car keys and head out the door. He told his Sec that he will leave early. He went straight to his car nd drove out of the parking lot. Its been two days since he visited Asher in the hospital.

He parked his car and get out of the car and headed to Ashers room. He knocked on the door before he get in and to his surprised no one is in the room except for Asher sleeping on his hospital gown. He was getting better and better and the only one that cling on his body is his dextrose. He is sleeping soundly so Gian slowly pulled out the chair and sit beside his bed.

Gian slowly hold Ashers hand and planted it a soft kiss and give it a small squeezed. He really missed Asher so much and it really hurt him knowing that he can't remember him.

''Ash,Im so sorry for all of all this. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry if I got scared to confessed to you the first time. I'm sorry that I ignored you and your effort to reach out to me. I'm sorry that I cause you so much pain. I'm so sorry that I'm so stupid for letting you go and making you miserable all this time.I know that you really hate me for all of this but I just want you to know that I love you so much..it never changed even if I tried to get away with you.I fell for you and I can still falling for you.you make me so happy that no one else can but I was so stupid for taking you for granted. You are the best thing that I never expected to happen and I'll always treasure that feelings. But I know that you don't remember me anymore and whatever I said its already useless and it okay with me..I just want to see you happy...

And I know if you just remember everything you'll hate me for sure and I'm willing to accept that. Its okay if you hate me just get better and get out of this hospital and get back on your usual self. I admit I was jealous and hurt every time I see you with Sam and I know that I deserve all of this. And I'm not complaining. I was happy now that your okay..just always remember that I always love you..'' Gian stood up on his sit and planted a gentle kiss on Asher's forehead. He walked out the door and slowly closed the door behind his back.

Gian tried his best to suppress his emotion until he get back on his car. He put on his seatbelt and started his engine when his phone started ringing. Gian slide out his phone on his pocket and check who was calling. Its Asher's mom.

''Hello Aunt?'' Gian answered.
''Hey Ian,Are you free today? I'm planning to invite you in a dinner if its okay with you?'' She said in a warm voice. Gian felt silent and he said yes after a minute of thinking.

''Yes Sure Aunt..I was in a parking now..I visit Ash just now and I was about to leave.'' He answered politely.
''Ohh..really. Okay you can go straight here now so we can have time for a chitchat.'' She said cheerfully.

Gian agreed and cut off the line. He  let out a deep breath and started the engine. He will talk to Asher's parents now. Its better to tell them the truth. Gian drove out of hospitals parking lot when he saw another car parked on the other side of the road. And he recognized the person inside. Its Sam. And she was not alone..their is another man with her inside the car. And based on what he was seeing the guy is hugging her and kissing her. They are making out inside the car. In broad daylight.

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