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Gian maneuvered his car to the hospital after he talked to Asher's parents. He can't blame the two elders for coming up to that decisions coz he knows exactly that its his fault. Gian was already in the parking lot of the hospital for 30mins now. He was having a hard time controling his emotion. His tears won't stop from falling since he left Ashers house.

He grab a hand full of tissue and wipe his face and tried to calm himself down and take a deep breath before he get out of the car. Its already 10pm when he reach Asher's room. He did not bother to knock and just came in. He slowly close the door and he walk slowly closer to Ash bed. Ash is already sleeping base on the soft snore that he can hear from him. Gian slowly pulled the chair and slide himself on it and sit beside his bed..he hold Ash hand and take a gentle squezzed.

Gian looked at the sleeping man in front of him. He can see his small stuble on his chin and he lose a lot of weight. Gian was trying his best to hold his tears while he was still looking at Asher.

''Ash, I'm so sorry for  everything.'' Gian held Asher's hand and took it into his lips and planted a gentle kiss. Then he looked at him and studied every feature of Asher's handsome face. From is thick eyebrow to his pointed nose down to his thin red lips. Asher was too perfect in so many ways and he dont understand how he cause this man too much pain .Gian wipe his tears and smiled a little bit.

''I wish you a happy ending with Sam,Ash. I'm sorry if I never express how much I love or how special you are to me but one thing is for sure,I'll wait for the time that I can be with you again no matter how long it takes. I love you Ash.'' Gian leaned slowly to closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to Ash. He felt Ash warm lips. He slowly closed his eyes to feel the soft and the warmth feeling coming from this person in front of him.

He can feel his heart beating so fast while his lips pressed to Ash. He removed his lips after a seconds and stared to the peaceful and calmed feature of Asher.

Gian slowly step back and walked to the door getting ready to leave but before he leave Gian turned around for the last time and throw his gazed to the man sleeping soundly.Gian can feel the million stab in his chest in every step he makes to get away from Ash. He grab the door knob and went outside Asher's room and walked away. He walk away with a heavy heart.With all the pain that he was experiencing right now..that he think he really deserve.

Gian get in his car and drove away from that place. He felt like the world is crashing right in front of him. He never thought that leaving Asher for good is million times painful than Fin leaving him with another girl. He went to Bangkok to moved on from his break up with Fin but he never thought that while he was moving on he will developed a new feelings to a stranger that he meet in Bangkok.

Gian get off his car and  headed to the elevator. He feel so exhausted that he just want to lay down and let the world moved on its own. After a minutes the elevator door opened and he went inside..he pushed the button and leaned his body on the wall. He closed his and took a deep breath while he was trying to calm down.


''Hello Ian..where are you? Yve has been calling you but she can't reached you." Dean said on the phone.

Gian removed his glasses and put it on the table and took a deep breath. He leaned his back on the swivel chair and close his eyes.

He check the time on his wrist watch and its already 8:00 in the morning. He spend the night in the office to finished all of his workload before he leave. Gian closes his laptop and filed all the paper at his table. He ring the intercom beside his table to call his Secretary.

After a minute the door opened and Mrs.Lin entered the room.
''Yes Sir?''
''Can you please take care of this papers for me? Mr Sander will be here any time soon but I can't wait for him. So give this documents to him and he will take care of it. And after I leave tell the staff to clean my office and just locked it. Okay?'' Gian instructed his Sec.
''Yes Sir. Noted. Er...Sir..''
''Hm..?'' '
''Goodluck Sir. Hope I got to work with you again soon.'' Mrs Lin said and she gave him a warm hug. Gian hugged her back and said Thank you.

Its been one One month had pass since he had confessed to Asher's parents and it turned out as what he had expected.
He had stop visiting Asher and he was trying his best to removed him from his thoughts that's why he is working to divert his thought.

"Hello Ian..." Gian get back on his trance when he heard Dean's voice.
"Ohh sorry...I almost forgot that you are in line.'' Gian said apologetically. He narrowed his gazed around his office and let out a deep sighed. Its his last day in the office now.

''Are you in the office?'' Dean asked him.
''Yeah,'' Gian answered sleepy.
''Ok we will just drop by on your office before we get to the airport later.'' Dean answered.
''Just meet me at my condo,I'm gonna go home now.'' Gian said.
''Don't tell me you did not go home last night? You spend the night in the office again?''   Dean asked
''Yeah,I need to finished all of my office works before I leave.'' Gian answered while he put all of his important stuff in a box.

''Did you tell Asher that you'll leave already?'' Dean asked him. Gian stay silent for a minute and he let out a deep sighed.
''No,Its not that necessarry. He don't remember me so what's the point of telling him that I'm leaving for good?'' Gian answered a little bit frustrated. He heard Dean sighing on the other line.
''Ok..lets just talk at my condo later,I have some stuff to take care off in here before I leave.'' Gian said dismissing Dean.
''Ok..ok..Bye.'' Gian cut off the line and continue doing his stuff.

After an hour he finished clearing all the stuff in his office. He grab his coat and his car keys. He lift up the box and headed out of his office. His secretary and his employee bid him goodbye and wish him goodluck. He said thank you and continue to his car. Before he enter his car he look one more time on the huge building on his back. He put his stuff on the compartment and procede to the drivers seat and went back to his condo.

Two Broken Hearts Bleed The SameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora