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The guard recognize Asher's car and they let him in. I looked at him confused why they know him.
''They know you?'' I asked him.
''Hm..Yes?'' Asher answered with stoic face.
''I'm just surprised how did they know you when its just the first time that you bring me home.Have you been here?'' I added still   looking at him.

Ash did not response and he just drive and stop the at the entrance.
I looked at him and smiled shyly. Its not bad if I ask him for a cup of coffee to thank him for bringing me home.

''Care to get upstairs to have a coffee?'' I asked him nervously. He smiled a bit and nodded.
''sure..'' Asher answered and we both get out of the car. We are waiting for the elevator when a group of 3 girls approached us and greet him..they are clearly flirting with him but he just smiled and the elevator door opened and we both step inside leaving the girls.
I push the 30th floor button and I leaned on the glass wall I take a glance at him at his image on the elevator glass wall he is so serious.
He is so quiet. I just ignore him until we reach my floor. I opened the door and we get inside remove my shoes and went to the living room and open the airconditioner. Ash followed me and he just looked around. I leave him and I went to the kitchen to brew us some coffee.

I get back to the living room and I found him laying his back on the couch with his eyes closed he looked so tired.

''Ash?'' I put down the two cups and sit next to him..he was so handsome with that prominent chiseled jaw and is sharp pointed nose. His lashes and his eyes that I can see the whole galaxy everytime I look at his eyes. His red thin lips and a dazzling smile that gives me butterflies..

I removed my gazed on him and looked away. He was snoring softly. I put him a cover and grab my cup and leave him sleeping. I went to my balcony and just sit on the bench.

''Hey'' I looked up when I heard his voice he was on the door with a cup on his hand. He sit on the bench beside me and looked away sipping his coffee.
''I thought you were sleeping so I did not wake you up.'' I said.
''I just a took a nap,I don't have enough sleep for 2 days.'' Asher said he let out a deep sighed.

We just sit silently while enjoying our coffee. When his cellphone rang. He stood up and and answered it.

''Hello Mom?''
''Hm,why what happened?''
''Okay I will be there.'' Asher put his phone back in his pocket and looked at me.

''Why is there something wrong?'' I asked him
''I need to go home'' Asher answered and we both went inside my unit. He pick up his coat on the couch and hurried to the door.
''Bye.'' Asher wave and he disappeard into the hallway.

I was sitting on the couch doing my works in my laptops when my phone rings..Yve is calling me. I pick it up and put it on a speaker so we can talk while I work.

''Hello Gie? Where are you?'' Yve asked.
''At home..why?'' I can since her worried voice.

''We are at the hospital now..we bring Auntie here after she collapsed in here room.'' Yve said.
''You want me there?'' I asked her worried.
''No its okay..Asher is here so its okay,Auntie is fine now. She will get discharge soon.''
''Okay,okay..just say Hi to Aunte for me.'' I added and I cut of the line.

I finished all of my work loads and I decided to visit Asher's Mom in the hospital. I bought a bouquet of red roses and went to the hospital. I parked my car at the parking lot get out of the with the bouquet in my hands.
I went to Aunties room and knock a little and Asher opened the door for me.

''Hi..come in.'' Asher said and I walk inside the room but Auntie is sleeping so I arranged the flower in the vase and put it on the table. I finished arranging the flowers and I turned around when I meet Ashers gaze he was standing and leaning on the wall with his both hand on his pocket. He look so serious. I bit my lower lip and looked away and walked on the couch he is making me shy. I sit on the couch and grab my phone and make myself busy..Asher walked up to me and sit on the other side of the couch and did not talk either.

We both looked at the door when it opened and Yve gets inside.
''Oh Hi Ian..you're here.'' Yves said walking up to me.
''Yeah,I just wanna visit Aunt and bring some flowers.'' I answered.
''Hm..Auntie's nurse will coming soon,Let's grab some coffee?'' Yve  added and she looked to Asher that sitted on the couch his eyes closed.
''Wanna go with us Ash?'' Yve asked him.
''I need to go back to the office.'' He replied without moving on the couch.
''oH c'mon Ash..its already afternoon..lets just grab something to drink.''  Yve said when the nurse came in. She greeted us but she was looking at  Ash smiling sweetly.
''Let's go Ash stop flirting okay?'' Yve pulled him up the nurse is still smiling at Ash. 
''I'm not flirting..''Ash reasoned out while Yves still grabbing him to get out of the door.

We went to Starbucks near the hospital and Yves ordered for us. We just sit there on the table while waiting for Yves. Asher is still quiet and he just scrolling on his phone he looked so bored. I want to start a conversation but I'm worried that I might disturb him so I just entertain myself by looking around the shop when something catches my attention. The tumbler. I really love Tumblers. So I stood up without looking at Ash that still busy on his phone and I went straight to the Tumbler section of the shop. I choose 5 different colors and I went straight to the counter to pay.

I did not notice that Yves was already on my side so I got a little bit startled.
''Still crazy with the tumbler hmm..''Yves said glancing at the tumblers on my hand.
''Yeah..I don't have this colors so when I saw it I know I need to bought this.'' I answered. I spare a glance at our table and I meet Asher's gazed looking at our direction. I felt embarassed so I looked away and get my attention back to Yves.

After we had coffee I went back to the hospital to get my car and I went back home. Its already 7pm when I got home so I just took a shower and went to bed. I was scrolling on my phone when I saw the picture of Fin and his fiance. I feel a sudden stab of pain on my chest while I was looking at his smile. I used to be mine. I used to be the person that put smile on his face.
I smiled bitterly and decided to turn my phone away and went to sleep.

Two Broken Hearts Bleed The SameWhere stories live. Discover now