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Its weekend and Gian don't have any plan but to stay at home. He get up from his bed and went straight to the shower. He brush his teeth and take a quick shower..
He went to the kitchen after he showered and look something to eat but he don't have any stocks..he let out a deep sighed and get back to his room. He changed into a sweat shirt and a jeans and grab his car key. He will take grocery shopping now. Its just 10am so he can eat lunch after he get all the groceries that he need.

Its been 1month and 2weeks since he stayed here in Bangkok and he wasn't have any plan yet to go back to NY. He was not yet ready to go back after what happened to him and Fin. He was probably married by now. He already blocked Fin on all of his social media accounts so he don't have any idea about his life. He was already trying to moved on and he wants his life back.

Gian pulled his car on a parking lot and stepped out of the car..he was already hungry so hurried inside the supermarket and grab a trolly. He picked all he needed for the whole week and proceed to the counter to pay. After paying he decided to put the groceries on his car and went to the coffee near the groceries. He ordered coffee and a muffins. He don't want to stay outside for too long so he just ordered a take outs. He gets back to his car and went home.

He was rummaging inside his pocket for his key card when the door on his left side open and someone get out he did not bother to looked coz his grocery bag is so heavy. He swipe the card when he heard someone called him.

''Ian?'' Gian stopped by the door and turned around. And he meet Asher's gazed he was with a woman. She was clinging in Asher's arm.
''Oh..Ash..what are you doing here?'' Gian asked he smiled a bit.
''I live here.'' Ash answered. Gian was surprised.
''Oh..really? I didn't know that we're neighbors.'' Gian added.
''Anyway,this is Violet. Violet this is Gian..Yves bestfriend.'' Asher introduces us.
''Your girlfriend?'' Gian asked shyly..he let out a smile so he won't feel awkward by inquiring.
''Yes, I'm his girlfriend..nice meeting you Gian..'' Violet extended her hand for a handshake. But Gian did not  accept it coz the he was still holding his grocery bag.

''Ohh..sorry..''Violet smiled and just cling back to Asher's arm.
''You went for a grocery?'' Ash inquired. Gian just nodded.
''Yeah..I forgot to go grocerry shopping yesterday so I went now..anyway.. Nice to meeting you Violet..'' Gian looked at Ash and nodded.
''Hm..okay..Bye Ian.'' Violet said and Ash just nodded.
Gian turned around to open his door and went inside. He locked his door and went to the kitchen to put down his grocery.
He didn't know that Asher is living in the same building as him.He did not mention about it. And why he needs to mention it to you? Gian just shake his thoughts away. Its been 3 weeks since they last meet.
And Yves is already in NY so he don't have any friends here in Bangkok to hang around so he always stays at home.

Gian sit on his couch on the living room with a coffee and a muffins in his hand. He grab the remote and opened the Tv he watched some news while he was eating. When suddenly he remember Ash. So he already moved on with his ex and he was already dating someone now.
How I wish I can date someone too and moved on. He felt a sudden emptiness when he remember Asher with Violet.

Gian let out a sighed and just finished his food.

Its already 9pm when he wakes up. He take a nap in the afternoon and ended up sleeping for long hours. He sit on the couch and scratched his eyes.He will go get a drink. After he get satisfied with his look he grab his key and headed his way to the door.

Its already 10pm when he reach the club that they always hang out with Yves. He pulled his car in the parking and went inside the club..it was full pack of custumers since its Saturday. He choose the couch in the right corner that not so crowded and ordered his drink. His order arrived and he started drinking..a few hours passed and the alcohol started to hit him. When suddenly someone approach him..

''Hi..are you alone?'' The guy asked. Gian is a little bit tipsy but he can still looked straight. The guy was smiling at him holding a bottle of beer on his hand.
''Yes,'' Gian answered still looking at the guy.
''OH Hi..I'm Dion...would you mind if I join you here?'' Dion asked flashing a bright smile.
''Hi Dion..I'm Gian..sure you can join me here..sit.'' Gian answered and he gulped his beer.
''Thanks Gian..anyway..why are you alone here? Where's you're frends?'' Dion asked him. Gian just smile.
''Ohh..I don't have much friend here on Bangkok..I'm from New York..I was just here for a vacation.'' Gian answered.
''Oh I see..then..can we be friends now? I'm not a bad person and I can take you anywhere around Thailand if you want a tour guide..'' Dion said smiling. Gian just smiled a bit.

Gian wakes up with a terrible headache the next morning and he don't even know how he got home last night. He hold his head when a sudden pain attack him he slump back on his bed and covered his eyes with a pillow. When he realized that his clothes..he was just wearing a pajama and a tank top. He sit on his bed and tried to think who bring him home..he can't really remember what happened last night and who changed his clothes.

He was about to leave his bed when he notice the glass of water and a pain killers on his sidetable and the note stick on the glass.
''Take this painkiller and eat bananas to relieved your hang over.''
Gian was still confused who left that and who changed his clothes. He take the painkiller and went to bed again. His headache is killing him. It would be great if he will take a nap.

Gian sleep all day and only get up around 5pm..his headache is gone. He went to the kitchen and finds something to eat since his stomach is growling. He went to the balcony after he eat. He was scrolling on his laptop when his phone rang. Its just a number that did not register on his phone. He pick it up and answered.

''Hi Gian...remember me? '' The person on the other line said. Gian try to remember but he don't remember anything.
''Hm,I'm sorry but who is this?'' Gian inquired.
''Its Dion..we meet at the club last night..'' The guy said when Gian remember him.
''Oh..Hi Dion..Sorry haha...'' Gian said smiling.
''Its okay,anyway are you free tomorrow? Let's grab some lunch tomorrow? My treat.'' Dion said.
''Hm,okay sure..'' Gian answered.
''Perfect,okay I'll pick you up tomorrow.'' Dion said and we ended the call.

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