Baby Blues

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Eventually, I was coerced out of the closet. Okay so what? There wasn't much coercion involved, only a mere mention of Breyer's Rocky Road. I'm a fat kid and certain people like to take advantage of that.

I ate my ice cream quietly between sniveling. I giggled into my bowl before glancing to Wick with a shake of my head even though I was grateful.

"You get a little crazy without your daily rocky road portion." Wick smirked, sitting next to me.

"Guess I should have had it before I learned I had a crazy stalker that not only tried to ruin my wedding by stealing my dress but figured killing my husband and his sister's husband was completely relevant. What I don't get... Was it supposed to get him somewhere? Like if I was his ultimate obsession then how was destroying my life supposed to bring me to him?" I pondered and let out a crazy laugh. Things like this definitely only happened on Lifetime. Actually I may have seen a similar movie. "He went all Swim fan."

Wick chuckled out, "All loser extremist. No chick is worth that." He gave a half smirk, "I guess you bring out the crazy in men."

Eying him suspiciously, I spoke with hesitance, "What do you mean?"

"I remember when Zy came back on the boat a year ago. He was so different. I was so used to him bitching about him being glad to get away from Sarah and then after the accident about how he wished things could have been different with them. But it's like the saying, a tiger can't change his stripes." He paused really looking in my eyes, something he had only done on two occasions. His genuine smile made my heart skip a beat, we we're definitely having an unWick moment. He was being vulnerable and honest.

He continued while his voice broke a bit, "Zy was so conflicted," he shook his head still smiling while he recalled his memory, "He had found a woman with a heart of gold that shone so brightly from the moment they met. A woman that challenged him to look at things differently, she didn't want him to be something for her but for himself."

Tears welled my eyes as I smiled and grabbed Wick's hand, "He is the greatest man I know."

Wick shook his head as a tear slid down his cheek, "He was a lost soul. Someone who didn't know the feeling of happiness and true laughter until he met you." He looked up at the ceiling trying to take in a deep breath, "Chloe, you have no idea the effect you have on people. If Zyler never met you, he'd be another hopeless soul lifer on the fishing boat. He'd never talked about quitting the boat until you came into his life and know he wouldn't even do it for his own family."

"I didn't force him to feel that way. Or at least I didn't try to." I retorted in defense.

"That's the greatest part." Wick laughed out in amusement, "You went all brain ninja on him and neither of you knew it."

I laughed along with him. We had both went brain ninja on each other at some point. I shook my head, "I wasn't as perfect as you make it seem."

With a raised eyebrow, he smugly spoke, "Ok so the failed attempts at strip teases and lap dances didn't do it, but the fact that you were willingly to try, did."

The heat quickly rose to my cheeks, I was mortified and the squeak in my voice confirmed it, "He did not tell you about that!" I shook my head.

Chuckling came from the door way, "We alllll know about that." Bradley spoke confidently.

My glare found it's way to him, "You... You... You are supposed to be my best friend and be in my corner."

"Okay in her defense I think she should have won the bikini contest the night of the bachelor party." He raised his hands in defense, looking towards Wick.

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