Two For One

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Chloe's dress ------->


How do you avoid two guys you live in between? I’ll teach you. 

My emotions and mind were on overload and I felt I would self combust any minute. I didn’t expect to be stuck between my best friend’s brother and soon to be brother-in-law. Where did my common sense go? Well, it’s back from vacation now.

I sat in the corner of the living room on the floor, shoulders slumped, head in my hands, and in my most comfortable sweat suit with my hood pulled over my head. Yes, I have currently put myself in time out. I was ready to go into ninja mode at any chance of coming in contact with any male form. I could totally blend into the floor right? Right.

I peeked out of my hood when I heard the front door open and froze. Crap crap crap… How could I forget my invisible cloak in my room. I’m such an idiot. Or was that just a frame of mind? I could play dumb to everyone like I hit my head at some point and don’t remember anyone. Perfect!

Lacee walked in alone and I watched as she made her way into the living room. She glanced around as if she was pretending to not know where I was, but then her gaze fell on me and she snorted.

“Uh oh what did you do to put yourself in your time out corner this time?” Lacee’s voice dripped with amusement as she sat on the sofa, looking directly at me. 

I let out my breath realizing I had been holding it. Duh, a dead ninja isn’t a very good one. Though it would be easier than having to deal with the mess I made. On the other hand, I would leave a lot of broken hearts behind and I couldn’t bare that.

Lacee cleared her throat and the thoughts of my self assassination faded.

“I slept with your brother this morning.” I mumbled, my body wincing from the freak out I was about to endure.

“You little slut.” Lacee teased happily, “To be honest I thought you already had. Both your body language screamed it at dinner, well and who gets in a paint fight without getting down and dirty.” 

“You expected it?!” I raised my head to study her face, “Wait… You’re not mad?”

“After the party Tay and I made a bet. I apparently lost.” She scoffed then her eyes lit up, she clapped furiously with a squeal, “This calls for Britney and Pros and Cons! We haven’t played this in so long!” She continued squealing as she ran into the kitchen.

Oh shoot me now. Please. I groaned and hung my head again. Maybe I could blend into the floor now and she wouldn’t see me when she came back out. My lips twitched at the corners as Britney Spears started to fill the room from the kitchen. No. No smiling. Bad ninja.

Lacee squealed again, she was back but I didn’t look up. I’m glad she’s back to being happy and now enjoying my misery. That’s the way it usually is.

“Go live vicariously through someone else.” I mumbled.

“What fun would that be?” She mocked hurt, “Come on Classy, you know this game is the only remedy.”

Wow, pulling out the high school nickname… She’s really desperate for this. I sighed giving in and getting up on my knees, crawling my way over to the coffee table. I sat Indian style facing her, the coffee table lined with shot glasses between us.

“I’m not taking all the shots. Usually this only has to do with one guy….” I started and she cut me off.

“I’ll take Josh’s since he’s mostly innocent. Zyler is gonna get you so fucked up right now.” Lacee snickered, earning an eye roll from me.

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