You Will or You Won't

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I sat at my desk, flipping through the pages of my calendar, landing on April. My fingers traced the 21st and the letter scrawled upon it. WEDDING DAY. As realization struck, my eyes bore a hole in the year, this year, which was wrong because it was set for next year. Then I noticed it wasn't even written in my writing. Quickly, I rose to my feet, exited my office, and made my way to my assistant's desk, "Abby..." Gaining her attention I continued rather confused, "Why did you pencil in my wedding for next month? It's not for another year."

Abby smiled brightly at me as her eyes flicked to Lacee's open office door, then back to me as she spoke in a hushed tone, "She's been trying for weeks to get you an earlier date. She knew how disappointed you were when the soonest was for the end of next year. Spring weddings are so much better than Winter don't you think?"

Processing her words I laughed out rather loudly. This was a joke. So now we're pranking each other? The nerve of this girl. I shook my head and rolled my eyes towards Abby before directing my stride to Lacee's open door. When I reached it, she was elbow deep in a stack of papers, going over them thoroughly. Trying to hide the anger that was threatening to take over my existence, I let out a sarcastic laugh but she didn't look at me. I sat in a chair across from her and studied her every move.

Looking up from her stack of files, Lacee raised an eyebrow, speaking flatly, "Is this my review? Or is there something I can help you with?"

I took in a deep breath leaning forward and slowly let it out, "Why would you joke about something so important to me?" Quickly my anger was turning to sadness and I felt my body quiver. My best friend had turned into a stranger and this fight we're in was consuming us and becoming bigger than everything we've gone through. It was breaking my heart. I looked away and pretended to be fascinated with a painting to the left of her.

Her eyebrows knitted together and she let out a laugh, "What are you talking about?"

"Rancho Las Lomas ... " I glanced at her smug smirk on her face and shook my head as I rose to my feet, pointedly speaking after gaining my strength, "I couldn't get a date being who I am any sooner so it was a nice try." I turned on my heel to exit her office.

"Chloe wait..." I turned to see her raised from her seat, sadness in her eyes as she spoke, "I know that things between us aren't the greatest but I would never do something like that to you." Her palms pressed against her desk and she looked down, "That kids birthday party you had me organize came with perks. The little shit is best friends with the owner of Rancho..." Her gaze came back to my face, "They all enjoyed the services that our business provided so they offered an exchange but it was the only day this year they were willing to give, all I have to do is sell my soul and personally make them a priority for any event they need the rest of the year." She laughed down at the stack, "They are all kids parties. Fifteen so far but the money is really good."

I stood speechless and rather touched that she went to such extremes for me. Every negative thing drained from my body as I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I pulled back, taking a single step back from her to give her space, "I'm getting married in a month?" My voice wild with happiness.

Lacee laughed lightly sitting back in her seat, nodding as she went back to her paperwork, "You are getting married in a month."

"Thank you." My voice came out broken as happy tears pricked my eyes.

She flipped a page going about her business and after a few moments of silence she spoke quietly, "Is there anything else?"

I hesitated for a moment as it was a clear opening to settle everything but she seemed like she wasn't ready for it. So I shook my head and left her office.

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