Dear Patron, I Heart(Remove the 'r' and send the 'e' to the end) You

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It had been a week and the most I heard from Zyler was a text to ‘move on’. I wasn’t allowing myself to get upset because I felt I did nothing wrong, but it still hurts that he was shutting me out like this. Taylor moved back into his home and he was working things out with Lacee. I love them. At least I know one brother is capable of it.

I was going over the final details for Lacee’s engagement party when Josh burst through the door. Putting a hand up, I stopped him from talking since I was one the phone. He bounced from foot to foot like a kid who couldn’t keep still on the morning of their first trip to Disneyland. Rolling his wrist, he motioned for my to hurry up, making me giggle.

“No.. Yes.. That’s perfect. We will be there at eight. Thank you.” I laughed ending my call, What is it Josh?” I asked feeling somewhat excited from just how he was acting.

“I got my keys!” He said with even more excitement, the hoop was around his middle finger and he let them dangle to show me, “You ready to help me paint?”

I watched as he waggled his eyebrows and I nodded, “Let’s go check this place out.”

Josh had already seen the place a dozen times so he brought in all the supplies while I roamed about checking it out. It was more modern style than mine but the top had been converted into one big loft. Which I would love to have if I lived on my own. Then it struck me and I felt the tears well up in my eyes. My best friend is getting married and I would be living on my own soon. I knew these things would eventually happen but that wasn’t making me feel any better.

I heard Twitch’s claws tapping on the wood floor and Josh thumping up the stairs.

“So what do you think of your new home Twitch?” Josh teased as the hit the top stair and came into the loft.

I laughed turning to them, swiping the tears from my cheeks, “Not even gonna happen. That’s my baby.”

His smile turned down, “Are you ok?” he spoke softly as he cautiously moved closer.

I nodded, laughing with a wave of my hand, “Yea I’m fine, my best friend’s getting married!”

“Well she will only be next door to you.” His smile returned. How did he always know what I was thinking? He reminds me so much of Lacee.

“So…” I swiped my hands on my jean shorts, “Shall we get our paint on?”

“We shall.” Josh answered in a gentlemanly voice, offering his arm so I looped mine into his, “The downstairs is almost identical to yours right?”

I nodded as we walked down the stairs, “When does your furniture arrive?”

“This afternoon, just the bedroom stuff because I don’t know what I want to do with the downstairs yet. We don’t have much to do, just paint the living room.” He shrugged letting my arm go and grabbing a brush.

“Where’s Twitch?” I questioned with concern, looking around.

“Probably in his new bed I got him in the kitchen.” Josh shrugged like it was no big deal, “I got him a bone to keep him busy.”

Awe he thinks about my fur child, how sweet is he. I just stared at him while he started painting. He looked so foreign to me, I’ve never met anyone like him. He’s from a different planet right?

“What?” He asked me with mock innocence dancing in his voice as he looked over his shoulder at me.

“Why would he need a bed here?” My voice was playful as I grabbed a brush.

Josh shrugged, “I’m sure you’ll need a babysitter sometimes.”

“And usually Lacee watches him.” I half laughed out, “But I’ll keep you in mind.”

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