A Woman Like You

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Great now I’m hearing things too. I’m just going to have Lacee check me into a mental ward. I cant live without him. Knowing what life is like with him is too much to know when it’s lost. 

“Gorgeous.. Open your eyes please.”

Was I dead? No I’m not. I opened my eyes and looked at the upper dock to see Zyler standing above me leaning over the railing from up there. The railing was twisted with twinkle lights and was dimly beautifully lit now. I swiped my cheeks as my legs carried me up the stairs. I stood a good distance away from him. Hope and happiness bubbled inside me as I looked him over but I didn’t want to show it yet.

“I’m sorry I brought you here like this…” Zyler rubbed the back of his neck, pain across his facial features, “This is the only assurance I needed and I hope you can forgive me for this.”

“I… I… I don’t don’t understand…” I choked out. Was he still leaving me?

He took some steps closer to me, “Please don’t be mad at me. I’m not going to leave you.”

“Then why did…” I felt a panic attack surfacing, “Why did.. Why are you… Here?” My hands were shaking and I told myself to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth to help it subside.

“Fuck.” I heard him mutter under his breath and he closed the gap between us, wrapping his arms tightly around me, “Ok this was a stupid plan.” He put a hand to the back of my head and hugged me, “Calm down ok? Just breath.”

I tucked my face into the crook of his neck, feeling my body calm instantly as I inhaled he clean scent. My hands stopped shaking and I was able to wrap them around him, almost afraid to at first. When I felt somewhat normal, well the normal me that falls apart around him, I pulled back and looked up at him.

“Why are you here?” I formed a puzzled look but was pleased to get a normal sentence out.

A hopeful but questionable smile tugged at his lips as he pressed his lips to mine for a brief second before he pulled away, “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.” He shook his head, “I don’t like the pain that I just caused you, I thought panic for a brief moment but never fear or pain. I’m so sorry baby.”

I half laughed more composed now, “Zyler you still didn’t answer my question. If you aren’t leaving then why are you here? Were you testing me?” A sudden realization came over me and I felt a bit of anger bubble up.

Zyler squeezed his fists together, “Not a test… This was just a poorly thought out plan.”

“Dammit Zyler will you make some sense!” I barked out letting my anger show. Will someone please tell me what’s going on? Anyone?

A soft acoustic guitar began playing behind him and he moved so I could see who is was. The anger was gone and as Lee Brice began singing ‘A Woman Like You’ perched on a stool in the corner of the dock, beautiful twinkle lights all around him. A happy squeal left my lips against my will as I closed the gap between Zyler and me, jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist, and kissing him. I pulled back and gazed down at him.

“Abercrombie boyfriend you got me Lee Brice?!” I looked away and to Lee as he sang. 

I listened to the song there in Zyler’s arms as it got closer to the end he set me down on my feet. I whispered every lyric along and rocked to the sound coming from the guitar.  Zyler didn’t even like country music, he did this solely for me. How did I get so lucky? So thoughtful.

“I love the sound of your name.” Zyler whispered against my ear as he sung along with Lee. Awe he even knows this song! The sweetest boyfriend ever!

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