Stupid Cupid

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The familiar clean scent erupted through my nose, sending fireworks into my brain and causing every hair on my body to stand. My hand wrapped around his neck while the other lay on his chest feeling his heart beat rapidly against it. His sift lips pressed further as his eager tongue gained entrance to my mouth, exploring every millimeter like it would be out last kiss.

This is the man I love with everything in me, all the way down to the gorgeous silver heels strapped to my feet. He could take me away forever where I could just melt into him always.

I gripped his shirt tightly, letting a moan escape my lips before he pulled away. I opened my eyes while my lips pursed into a pout. That kiss was not nearly long enough. My cheeks flushed at his intent gaze.

“Clo I’m so…” Zyler began but I cut him off by smashing my index finger to his lips.

“If you continue I will pick your nose. I can promise that. We both know each other well enough to skip the sorry and explanation and just move forward.” I whispered, only to be blinded by bright flashing lights.

I folded into Zyler, giving polite smiles to the camera nazis. They could be such a pain in the ass sometimes. It’s not like I was an actress but I do take pride in the fact that they know me as one of the best party planners alive. 

Zyler placed a soft peck to my lips before taking my hand in his and leading me inside the restaurant. Good save there buddy.

My insides were bubbling with excitement and I was doing my best to not think about what we had done wrong to each other. Those thoughts could ruin the whole evening and that was something I did not want to risk.

We were led to a private area for just the two of us.  Lacee is really having too much fun with this. I slid into the booth and Zyler followed suit so close to me we were touching legs. It made me feel so complete in just that little gesture. If I could crawl into and live there I would. I now knew I had only occupied myself with Josh so I wouldn’t feel like pain and absence that Zyler left me in. 

The air was thick with tension from the two of us, so I slipped my hand onto his thigh feeling his whole body relax next to me. He wrapped his arm around the booth above my shoulders. Did he really think I didn’t want to be here?

“This whole thing is stupid.” I huffed, “I don’t want to give false hope to anyone.” I side glanced to him.

Zyler breathed out a sigh, resting his hand on mine, “Clo I love you and you deserve the best. I’m just afraid that I can’t give you what you need.”

Really? Sound like Taylor much? I could live solely on him just being near me and he thinks he can’t give me what I need. This man has some serious issues. I couldn’t help but laugh and shake my head before staring at him. The honesty and confusion was dancing in his eyes.

“What? You don’t find it funny that everyone just makes these ’decisions’ and ’solutions’..” I used my free hand to make quotes with my fingers, “..for me? I mean seriously… Instead of playing stupid dating games or walking away is it really too hard to ask me how I feel or what I want?” I was getting a little angry.

“You’re right… But it’s not like you came after me either. Reassurance is nice sometimes.” He shifted his legs uneasily and focused on something other than my face. He’s joking right?

“Oh reeeealy? Reassurance?” I scoffed pulling my hand away from him, “Just like how you’re always leaving when you let your guard down so you can go build your wall back up?”

I shook my head in disbelief as I slid out of the booth, looking down at him as he looked at me, “I’m done letting you string me along with your stupid handsome face and the way you make me laugh over the simple things. AND the fact that when I think about you when you aren’t with me I feel like I can’t breathe. I’m not the one that needs to make a decision.” 

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