Baby Preacher

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I stood in the kitchen of William and Delilah's home, complete silence surrounding me. Usually I would find this eerie, but now it had become so common. It was like the life had been sucked out of everything and everyone. It smelled of bleach which meant Delilah had stayed up all night cleaning probably unable to sleep again. My eyes averted to the back door and before I knew it my legs carried me out it. I took in the cool October sea breeze and wrapped my sweater tighter to my body. The sun was covered by the morning fog and it was a bit gloomy. My ears honed in on the waves crashing and I closed my eyes as I thought about many things.

Times like this, I wish my mom were here to build my strength up, but then again as the month has gone by I've become numb. Was it so wrong to have wanted a perfect life? So many things had drastically changed in the last six months, I don't know how any of us survived it, well most of us anyways.

I walked down to the sand and let my bare feet sink into it. The coldness around my toes sent shivers up my spine and goose bumps formed on my arms. My thumb touched the band of my wedding ring and I began to remember a memory.

-- Beginning of the memory --

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh." I was nearly hyperventilating as I paced my room. I glanced to the girls surrounding me and they were all staring intently at me like I was a crazy person. Well technically I was, I mean only a little. Or something.

"Chlooooe." Delilah began to coo.

"I have to pee!" I cut her off quickly and rushed past her into the bathroom, slamming the door quickly behind me.

I jumped up and down a couple times and wiggled my arms around, trying to rid my body of all the nerves that were eating me alive. My palms were sweaty so I pressed them down my short white flowing sundress that I was wearing, unable to even look towards the mirror. I was afraid I wouldn't look good enough for the man who was waiting for me down on the beach. Curiousity got the best of me and I climbed into the bath tub so that I could try to peek out the small window and see what was going on outside. Banging on the door made me jump and nearly slip and die on the little of bit of water in the tub from whomever last showered. Holy make me pee myself! Almost.

"Chloe! Stop acting like a child and get out here. I know you're trying to look out that damn window. You know he's waiting for you so get your boney little ass out here!" Lacee yelled at the door.

I let my bottom lip fall into a pout as I carefully stepped out of the tub. How great would that be to die on my wedding day right? I stuck my tongue out at the door even though she couldn't see me and then let my eyes fall on the mirror. My chocolate brown hair was cascading in soft waves over my shoulders and down my back with some pieces french braided back like a halo. Little baby sunflowers were twisted into the halo of hair so beautifully and intricately, it made my eyes glaze over with tears. I fanned my hands at my eyes, that never really works right? Blowing out a light minty breath, I opened the door and flung myself on an expectant best friend.

"Thank you it looks so beautiful." I whispered against her ear and then pulled away and then let out a laugh, "My ass isn't boney."

"Whatever you say sweetheart." Lacee said softly, rubbing circles on my back, "Now are you done being a drama queen. The guys are waiting."

I pushed her arm away and then pushed her by the shoulder, "Stop talking to me like a child and get out of my room!"

Delilah cut in, "Girls don't mess anything up. We're all ready and we don't need another set back."

Psssh. I scoffed internally and rolled my eyes, "Does anyone care about my feelings today?"

Lacee laughed out as she grabbed the door handle, looking over her shoulder at me, "Not really." She teased with a wink and mouthed 'I love you bitch.' to me before walking out.

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