Ohhhh Daisy

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Picture of Josh ---->


Why did it feel like my dream was coming true. Taylor had broken off the engagement with the cliché line ‘He’s not ready to be engaged and needs some time to think about things.’. He even packed some of his things and went to stay with his parents. We all got back from Big Bear yesterday to find this all out. I attempted several times to reach out to him yesterday but had no luck. I need to get to the bottom of what is going on in his head.

Josh was lazing about on the sofa, Twitch curled up into his side passed out, while Lacee sat on the recliner working on her laptop. They seemed to be spending an awful amount of time together but it’s rather harmless from my perspective. I know Lacee loves Taylor and she’s just looking for friendly support. I feel like crap because we haven’t spent much time together, what a best friend I am. She’s the type you don’t pry though and hasn’t come to me needing me yet.

“Hey I’m gonna go out for a bit.” I spoke up, walking over to the sofa and placing a kiss on Twitch’s head, “Don’t think about stealing my dog.” I pointed at Josh teasingly.

“Where to?” Lacee asked looking up from her laptop.

“I wont. Have fun.” Josh mumbled.

“Lunch with Zy. Shouldn’t be too long then we can go over details for the Supercross after party we need to organize.” I offered with a smile.

Lacee just nodded and focused back on her laptop. It made me feel bad, like our friendship seemed to be lacking what she needed. What the duece was Taylor thinking leaving her like this. She looked horrible. Her hair was messy and pulled on top of her head, no make up on, and looked like she had been in the same sweats for days. I sighed heading out of the house.

I drove to their current work site and got out, grabbing the take out bag. Noticing William I walked over to him, arms reaching out, and wrapped themselves around his body.

“Well if it isn’t my favorite girl.” William beamed squeezing me tight, then pulling back, “How are you Bean?”

“I’m well Bill.” I smiled, showing my dimples, “Is Taylor here?”

“Aw that little shit. Last I heard were him and Zyler arguing out back. Could you tell them to get to work for me darlin‘?”

“I absolutely will.” I nodded making my way around the incomplete structure.

Should I be wearing a hard hat or something? My heel stuck to a scrap piece of linoleum and I shook my foot to free it. No such luck. I leaned on the building for stability as I pulled it from my heel.

“Chloe is the most amazing girl I have ever met… And her body is smoking’.” I heard Zyler say.

A smile tugged at my lips. I hated to eavesdrop but my legs seemed to freeze at the sound of my name.

“Don’t I know bro. Sometimes I think what it would have been like if we had gotten together.” Taylor retorted.

“What do you mean? I thought you always wanted to be with Lacee?”

“No I did. But Chloe is just so easy to get along with and is way easier to please. I love Lacee but she can be so difficult sometimes.” Awe Taylor is such a jackass.

“Yea Chlo is too nice for her own good sometimes. She’s so oblivious to things. Like the way guys look at her. I’m pretty sure that Josh guy wants her. I wonder if they hooked up.” What! My mouth hung open.

“Na dude Chloe isn’t like that. Josh is harmless trust me bro. You don’t have anything to worry about with him.” Wow is that really Taylor talking? He seemed so in tune.

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