Checkmate Playmate

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I was busy wrestling on the floor with Zyler when a naked form caught my eye as it walked past, my voice came out in a shocked yelp as I shuddered below him. First, Zyler thought he had hurt me but then his eyes followed mine.

He moved off of me with a roll of his eyes and huffed out annoyingly, "Wick knows no boundaries."

My first instinct was to jump up and go yell at him to put some clothes on, we're in my future parents in law's house for goodness sake! But my devious side came into play with a much better plan, "Baby don't let it show that it's bothering you. That's what he wants." I pushed myself up to my feet and playfully bit my lip as I extended my hand to him, "Lets go have breakfast."

Zyler took my hand with pure curiosity in his eyes and a playful smirk on his lips. Once he was to his feet, I gripped his tshirt roughly pulling him into the kitchen with me. I got on my tip of my toes and brushed my lips against his playfully, before sucking on his bottom lip. Steering us to the kitchen table until my butt was pressed against its edge and then I stopped. I pulled my hands from his shirt and propped myself up on the table before wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him in for the most heated passionate kiss we've shared in days. Nightmares of dying isn't the greatest pillow talk, I can promise that.

The idea of putting on a show bigger than Wick, made me more excited than I intended and before I knew it I was yanking Zyler's shirt over his head and leaning back on the table, pushing everything off of it.

Zyler unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it open with such haste and want that we both forgot that Wick was even in the room. That was until we heard him move the chair and sit down at the table. We looked to him at the same time, as he stuffed a spoon full of cereal in his mouth.

Once he swallowed what was in his mouth, Wick raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Do continue I was enjoying the show. Was hoping to join in after I finished my Wheaties."

I felt Zyler tense against me and let a coy gasp escape before playfully speaking, "I didn't know you were there, we were about to have our breakfast."

Zyler looked back at me and rolled his eyes, "Right." Then pushed himself off me and hastily grabbed his shirt before walking off to our bedroom.

I lay shocked before pulling my blouse closed and looking to Wick, who wore a winning smirk.

"Epic fail." Wick mused before stuffing his mouth with another spoonful of cereal.

Quickly I got off the table and went after Zyler. Once in the room, I closed the door behind me and stepped cautiously towards where he sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Zy.." I spoke softly to try to gain his attention but it was to no avail, "Zyler look at me!" I shouted as I stood directly in front of him.

His eyes met mine with a dirty glare as he gritted his teeth and spat nastily, "We haven't had sex in weeks and you get me going just for a show to prove something to Wick?"

I let my shoulders fall in defeat, "He's no right to prance around like that!" I cried out.

Zyler rubbed his hand over his forehead and eyelids before regaining his attention on me, clenching his jaw, "Chloe.... Lately you're more concerned on your games with Wick than our relationship. You know maybe I'm just not exciting enough for you anymore and can't hold your attention?" He shrugged with pure confusion, "But I feel like we're losing each other."

I huffed out a breath as I sat on the bed, pulling my legs under me as I faced his side and spoke softly, "I know what you mean." I looked away and focused on the window that was covered by blinds, "I know we've been trying to get past everything but I find it easier to get lost in things that weren't a part of it." I focused back on him and pulled his cheek gently so he would look at me, "I love you and I want to marry you. I want a family with you and I want us to grow old together.... But all those wants can't happen if we can't stop getting lost in what could have happened." I pulled our foreheads together so they rested on one another, "From this moment forward we try everything possible to one, have fun, two, don't look back, and three, go back to having as much sex as possible."

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