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I glanced up from the Sports section at William and smiled, before finishing the rest of it. I set it down on the breakfast table and grabbed my coffee, taking a long drawl from it.

“You want the comic strip?” William offered, pushing the paper towards me.

I stood to my feet, “Now they only portray my life.” I teased placing my lips to his temple before steeping away, “Big meeting I have to go to.”

“Tell Zyler you love him and don’t forget to respond to your note.” Bill mused with a soft laugh.

I flung my hand in the air as I walked away, my back to him, “Thanks Dad.” I stopped next to the fridge mentally cursing myself and feeling the cold chill. Is that coming from the fridge? Why did I just call him that?

“You’re welcome.” William choked out then cleared his throat.

I turned to look at him as I tugged at the hem of my black pencil skirt, then focused intently on pressing my silky light blue blouse out while my eyes were unable to meet his, “Was that okay?” I asked with hesitance laced in my voice. Zyler and I weren’t even married yet which meant it was way too soon to say something as such.

“Of course.” He choked again which made me make eye contact, “I love that you did.” His sincerity was clear in his voice.

I had never called anyone ‘Dad’ until that moment and it was terrifying, but still gave me a sense of warmth bubble up inside me since he couldn’t be someone less deserving.

“But this doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.” I teased with a grin trying to lighten the mood and force the tears back that wanted to explode from my eyes.

Delilah came around the corner as I turned around to make my escape from the overwhelming bonding moment. She almost ran straight into me so I dodged to her right.

“Oh excuse me Chloe.” Delilah spoke softly as I heard William boom with his magical chuckle. It made me think of how our children would feel about Zyler someday as he would turn out just like his father. Then I remembered what today was and snapped from my thoughts.

“Dee we’re still on for wine tasting at three right?” I questioned with a little hesitance as her rose scented perfume flooded through my nostrils. I have a feeling she can be as sweet as she smells.

“Absolutely.” Delilah smiled the sweet smile that Zyler inherited from her, “Will Lacee be there?”

I tried to hide my distaste at the thought of that, “Actually I was hoping it could just be you and me.”

“Sure…” She paused and I waited for her rebuttal. Why would she want to hang out with just me? She continued, “I think that would be nice.” She nodded in confirmation.

I smiled before continuing on my way out. Oh what does this day have in store for me?


I made my way into my office and grabbed my coffee off my assistant’s desk, heading to my desk. Ok time to cut back on my slight addiction to coffee. Ok first step is to admit that it’s more than a slight addiction. Maybe tomorrow.

I saw my assistant come into view as I sat down at my desk, pushing myself forward, “Abby what’s my morning like?”

“You have a nine o’clock with Lacee to go over the Saint Patty’s Day Bash and then at noon you have lunch with Dane Cook.”

I tuned her out with the mere mention of that delicious man’s name. I have worked with some huge celebrities and here I am daydreaming about a comedian and hoping I don’t go all fan girl on him. Seriously, something is wrong with me. My eyes focused on the clock and then looked up to see Abby’s face was now replaced with Lacee’s. I quickly looked back at my desk and opened the top folder in the stack in front of me.

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