Up in Flames

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A familiar voice broke the silence and I stood, moving like a moth tranced by a flame. I could talk to Zyler later. The voice was closer now and I felt a small smile form, even though the emotion didn't quite reach my heart. Ok maybe it did just a little.

"I'm telling you I AM family." Bradley reiterated for the sixth time, since I heard his voice.

"I'm sorry sir but your name isn't on the list. I can't just let you in." One of the nurses spoke with exasperation from having to repeat herself.

"Look here's a picture of me with Taylor and Zyler." Brad stated matter of factly.

He came into view finally as he was shoving his phone in the nurses face. The nurse as I could now see was Cassie, took a step back with a shake of her head about to speak.

"B Jones are you trying to assualt one of my favorite nurses here?" I called out softly then projected myself towards her, "Sorry Cassie, Bradley must have left his manners back in Australia where he should be this very moment."

"Last name Jones in case you didn't get that." Brad winked at Cassie before making his way over to me.

"Oh I'm sure she heard it the other fifteen times you said it." I teased into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled him as tight to me as my baby bump would allow and felt the emotions rush to me.

Next thing I knew, my eyes were blurry with a flood of tears. His soothing hand rubbed circles on my back as he held me tightly, and for the first time in months I was letting myself fall apart. For Taylor, for Zyler, for myself, and more for how strong I had to be for everyone else. Brad has always been the shelter from the storm, but in this moment, he had released my fears and brought back the memory of the day that led us to my life being the way it is now.

I shook as the air left my lungs and shook even harder as I tried to pull more in with short gasps.

Brad pulled his hands away, resting them on my cheeks, swiping the tears away with his thumbs, and spoke softly, "Hey hey hey. Chloe." He paused until I focused on the blur of him, "It's going to be okay. You need to breath okay? Focus on my breathing and try to mimick it. Can you do that for me love?"

I slowly nodded and closed my eyes while his hands stayed warmly on my cheeks. Blocking everything out except his light breathing, I focused. In and out. It took a few minutes before I was somewhat normal again.

"Remember that time when..." He spoke almost in a whisper, pausing for the dramatic effect, before continuing, " that rumor went around senior year that we were dating and no one would take you to prom?" I nodded for him to continue. "Well I started it. I had heard a group of the football players making a bet on who could get you first. So I told them you were mine and off limits. I'll never stop protecting you."

I opened my eyes and let out a small laugh as my vision cleared. A stupid smile formed on my lips as I half laughed out, "Remember the bonfire the night before prom?" I paused until he recollected and nodded, then continued, "I got Justin so drunk and played reverse psychology on him and found out what happened. I've always wanted to thank you for it because I was so niave back then."

"Yes you were." He laughed taking a step back and pulling his hands away, "And now look at you, you're a pregnant mess." He teased playfully as he eyed me over.

Our conversation was cut off by Lacee bursting out of Taylor's room, crying her eyes out. Wick followed her with pure concern but sure to not get too close to her. She collapsed into a chair in the hallway with her head in her hands. Wick sat next to her quietly. He was terrible in the comfort department but always tried to show his support.

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