Corny Stars

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WARNING: May get a little heated in more ways than one. ;)


Who is hosting the biggest party in all of Los Angeles and its surrounding areas for New Years Eve? You guessed right. I have been so swamped in getting everything together, that I’ve hardly had time to notice that Zyler has been gone for a month. We’ve hardly talked with how busy we both have been. In a sense, I am grateful to have been so occupied.

“Not right there, those go over there.” I patiently showed the helper.

I did miss him, but it also gave me time to bury my feelings. That’s what I felt like I needed to do. I even went out on a couple of dates with this guy, Josh, who is also my date to tonight’s party. I’m happy and moving forward.

“Chloe the gift bags have arrived should we set them up by the front door or a side table against the wall?” Lacee questioned.

I couldn’t help but smile, the black mini dress I chose for her to wear was stunning and perfect with the silver peep toes. Her blue eyes stood out in the smoky black and silver shadow around them and her hair was bouncing in big blonde curls. Yep. That’s my best friend.

“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look? “ I beamed.

“Yes like 10 times already. Now gift bags?”

“By the door and make sure to take the allotted amount out to give to the helpers when their shifts are over.”

“I don’t know why you pay out of your own pocket to do things like that. You know its their job and they are getting paid to do it right?”

“Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be apart of our greatness. They help in making this all happen. It’s the least I can do.”

“You’re too giving Chloe.”

“Put a smile on and go.”

Little did Lacee know, like I did, she would be engaged in just a few hours. Taylor came to me and we planned the whole thing together. It was quite exciting and hence why I made Lacee’s looks over the top. All eyes were going to be on her after all.

The party started at 10 PM and it was already 11:45 PM, which is when the DJ was queued to cut the music. I pushed people back some to give Taylor and Lacee some room, as Taylor started his speech. I could barely hear it over the crowd so I just watched their body movements. I could see the cheesy grin on Taylor’s face and the sparkle of tears as they rolled down Lacee’s cheeks. I saw the nod of her head and Taylor slid the ring on her finger before picking her up and twirling her around. I closed my eyes as everyone cheered and clapped for them. It was perfect. They were perfect.

10.. 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1 Happy New Year!!

I was embraced by familiar hands as they firmly pulled my body against theirs. Why was I imagining it was Zyler when I knew it was only my date, Josh. He placed his lips firmly against mine and I could feel my knees buckling as the crisp clean scent flooded my nose. I pulled back, almost unable to walk, feeling unbalanced and dizzy as I opened my eyes. There he stood holding my arm so I didn’t fall over, dark denim jeans, charcoal grey button up long sleeve shirt (rolled to his elbows as usual), a stupid smirk on his perfectly chiseled, stubbled like he hadn’t shaved in a few days face, and a little gel spiking his hair that had seemed to grow since he had been gone. He chuckled that melting laugh once he knew he got the reaction he had hoped for and pulled me close again. I just swallowed hard and looked him in the eyes, melting against his body. Once I was able to have a reaction, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, before he cupped my cheek, pulling my smiling lips to his again. I was going to pull away to question but my body wouldn’t allow it. Zyler nibbled on my bottom lip before gently parting my lips with his tongue and exploring my mouth. My fingernails gripped against his back in response, while a light moan caught in my throat. Someone tapped my shoulder and cleared their throat.

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