Forever and Always

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I peered out the large bay window of the room we were currently getting ready in. The view is amazing, expanding past the large pool, to the grassy area where the chairs were perfectly lined together, flowers of bright reds, oranges, and white scattered about and wrapped around every tangible item. The gazebo was dressed in the same fashion of flowers and behind that it opened up to the gorgeous wide ocean. Lacee had always wanted to be married at The Montage in Laguna Beach and today that dream was coming true.

I fanned my eyes as they threatened to ruin my makeup that was just done by a professional. Looking to Lacee who was now getting her makeup done, my eyes began to well up more.

“Quick say something funny.” I yelped, trying to suck back the tears.

“Your ass looks fat in that sweat suit.” Lacee’s smirking mug reflected in the mirror, her back in front of me.

I huffed while the tears instantly vanished, “You’re the one that made me wear this awful thing. You just wait till it’s my turn.” I grinned evilly, pulling my left hand up and waving the back of it at her, “Just imagine what sickly maid of honor dress I’ll make you wear OR hideous hair malfunction you’ll have with no time to fix it.”

Lacee’s lip went into a pout as she looked at me with one eye, her other lid being furiously dabbed with eye shadow, “I thought the maid of honor print on the butt was a cute idea…” She paused as the makeup artist switched eyes and could refocus on me, “I just didn’t realize it could make your ass look so wide… BUT!… At least your dress I chose is gorgeous. So don’t you go all maid of horror on me.”

My eyes flicked to the long red dress hanging next to her white wedding dress. She really did pick a wonderful dress. It was satin red, a simple halter with an open back all the way down to just above my butt. She would definitely have to be just as gorgeous as my maid of honor.

Kailee burst through the door, “Chloe can I borrow you just for a minute please?”

“Only if my wide ass can fit through the door!” I whined, sending a loving glare to Lacee as I walked towards the door, earning a laugh from Lacee and a confused look from Kailee.

I laughed as the makeup artist reprimanded Lacee for moving too much. Serves her right! My ass cant look that bad right? I stopped in front of the long length mirror by the door just to check, only to hear Lacee burst into a fit of giggles and get yelled at again.

“I hope you ruin your makeup!” I chirped sarcastically as I exited into the hall, shutting the door behind me, “What’s up?” I looked to Kailee, looking her over in her beautiful dress, “Damn little cousin you aren’t looking so young today!”

“Thanks.” Kailee smiled brightly before it turned into a frown, “We have a situation downstairs…”

“My goodness Kai can you just get to the point?” I snapped before I could change my tone and followed with an apologetic smile, “Sorry. Problems on a wedding day stress me out that’s why I do parties not weddings.”

She winced back a little, “The guys’ tuxes haven’t arrived.”

Before her statement was even finished I was rushing down the hallway to the elevator. I couldn’t take the stairs because if I ruined my hair or makeup it would be death by Lacee’s hands. How did they not get delivered by the same service that brought our dresses?

I rushed into the elevator not even waiting for Kailee to catch up. The only thing I could do was incessantly push the ‘door close’ button until it actually closed. Once I was to the lobby floor, which mind you is only one floor down, I rushed to the front desk.

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