Bottoms Up

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I was laying down on the floor, staring at my living room ceiling when Zyler’s face popped over me.

“Gorgeous, why are you crying?” He knelt down, placing his soft, amazing lips against my forehead.

I swiped at my cheeks with a small laugh, “I was watching Nights at Rodanthe.” I shrugged, moving my hands up to grab his collar.

“Over a movie babe? Seriously?” He chuckled, his lips brushing mine with his smirk.

I pouted as he sat beside me. Speaking softly, “That’s had to have happened to someone before. It’s sad. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.” I scooted to put my head in his lap.

“It’s a part of life, things happen. That’s why we should enjoy the time we have with the ones we love.” He played with my hair absentmindedly, “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

“Mmmm once or twice I could use a reminding.” I teased, sitting up and crawling into his lap as if I were a small child and wrapping my arms around his back, “I love you.”

“And I love you beautiful.” He genuinely smiled with a sparkle in his eyes, his true happiness leaking through his words and gestures.

I hooked my pinky into his nostril and laughed out as I quickly pulled my hand away. He immediately pinned me on my back with my hands above my head, snaking his tongue out as he slowly inched towards my cheek.

“Baaabe don’t do it!!” I squealed out, thrashing my body to get from under his grip.

He made contact, covering my whole cheek with his saliva. It was slimy and all I wanted to do was wipe it away but I couldn’t free my hands. Zyler just chuckled as he hovered over me. My thoughts got lost as my eyes trailed his perfectly chiseled jaw to his perfect pink lips. He saw as I did so and placed his lips against mine. When he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss I blew hard into it before I was consumed with shaking laughter.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Zyler pouted before it morphed into an evil grin.

His hands let go of mine and before I knew it, he was unrelenting with his hands as he tickled me. I was laughing and thrashing about as tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t even remember his name or what to say to get him to quit. After a minute he pulled away with a chuckle, staring down at me. I sat up trying to catch my breath as a few giggles seem to escape my mouth without warning. I lunged forward at him with my superb ninja skills, latching my teeth onto the sensitive part of his shoulder. His body winced below me and his hands pinched some skin on my thighs, making me bite even harder.

“Ooook ok truce!” Zyler whined letting go of my skin.

I unclenched and pulled back with a smirk and smacked his chest, “You big baby.”

He rubbed the tender spot I just moments before had attacked, “You little vampire.” He chuckled softly.

“What can I say. I’m good with my mouth.” I said grabbing his cheeks in my hands and pressing my lips to his.

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