Two Become One

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“You know who you should spend some time with? Lacee… I don’t get why you haven’t warmed up to her yet.” I admitted, swaying slowly to the music. My eyes held his because I wanted to see his honesty.

William took in a deep breath and then slowly blew out before speaking, “Bean, when I first met you girls I was rooting for Taylor to be with you.” He paused to let out a hearty chuckle and shake his head, probably from my horrified expression. I did not want to be the reason he didn’t like my best friend. He glanced to Lacee and spoke quieter, “That girl is crazy. She gets all weird and rambles anytime we’re in the same room.”

I slapped his bicep and playfully rolled my eyes, “You intimidate her ANND you make your favoritism very clear.” I shook my head, glancing to her, “She may be crazy but she’s the good kind. There’s never a dull moment with her and Taylor loves her…. So should you.” I poked his chest with my index finger and he grabbed my hand, spinning me out, twirling me around as I giggled, and then pulled me back into him.

“I love Bean and I’m glad you’re going to be a part of our family.” William’s eyes shone bright with honestly and pride.

“Mhm avoiding the whole situation. Typical Kaine man.” I teased playfully as the song changed, “I’m going to get a drink and you!..” I poked his chest, “..are gonna go dance with your daughter-in-law.”

“So alike.” William quipped in almost an awe, secretly I think I made him feel young again, as he referred to his wife again, placing a kiss against my temple, “Strong demanding women scare me.” He played, “Maybe we don’t need anymore in the family.”

I mocked hurt then let a grin play on my lips, “You can’t keep avoiding it Bill.” I let go of him and playfully smacked his butt walking away, yelling over my shoulder, “Man up!”

I headed to the bar where Zyler and Bradley were talking and laughing. The site alone made my insides bubble with gratitude. Just seeing them getting along made me unbelievably grateful since they both hold such high importance to me. I didn’t want to interrupt the budding bromance, so I just ordered myself a beer from a little way down. I sipped my beer as I eyed my fiancé. He was in perfect form and I could ravage him at any giving moment. I had to break myself away from him, as hard as it was, and look around the room. Sighing, I realized everything was so perfect in this moment.

“Hey Queen Parking Lot.” Zyler growled against my ear, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist as I pushed my back firmly against him.

I laughed sipping my beer before letting out amusedly, “ Are you enjoying hearing all the things I haven’t told you?”

He sucked in a chilling breath against my ear, my heart nearly stopping, “When you don’t freak out, it’s not as fun to taunt you about it you know?”

I let out a laugh, turning my head to kiss his perfect lips, “Peeing in parking lots is completely normal.” I nodded, “Guys do it why can’t I?”

“Miss proper cheerleader independent lady. It’s just weird to hear about your wild side from you today. Let me have fun and pretend to be ashamed so I can tell you that it will all be okay and I still love you for who you are today… You dirty dirty girl.”

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