We Are Broken

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I shuffled down the hospital corridor after having a mini fight with the vending machine and entered the hospital room in the long term wing. The sound of the machines beeping were normal to me now. A small sigh escaped my lips as I walked past the bed and to the window. Down below, people were busy about their day whether they were coming or going. The months here seemed to be dragging but also slimming the chances of recovery. I knew I had to stay positive because if I didn't, I'd crumble into something that couldn't be reconstructed. I watched a couple exit the entrance with their newborn baby and it caused silent tears to roll down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath in through my nose made me choke, as the familiar antiseptics and awkward hospital smell flooded into my body. The choke turned into a gag and it took all my willpower to keep down the little bit of breakfast I had managed to get down earlier. I contained my fit with deep breaths through my mouth as my mind drifted to a memory of a better time.

-Beginning of my memory six months previous-

I had nearly drowned thanks to Wick and his grand drunken plan to push me in the pool. They were back from their bachelor party after being kicked out for obvious reasons, Wick. This man was a giant kid even worse when intoxicated. The guys had decided to crash our bachelorette party since they ruined theirs.

Wick had planned to just push me in but in his drunken stupor, ended up on top of me in the water. When I could finally come up for air, I had to cough out all the water I inhaled. After my coughing fit and the realization of who had caused it, I found myself laughing. I had never seen Wick so worried and scared in my life as Zyler freaked out on him. I pulled myself from the pool and calmed Zyler down. The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. When the party ended, they allowed our party to stay while kicking out the rest.

Everyone was talking and laughing as we sat in lounge chairs under the Hollywood night sky. I was snuggled up to Zyler's chest with our legs intertwined and my hand resting on his bare chest. The steady breathing and the smell of his faded cologne left me more content than I have ever felt.

"What are you thinking about?" Zyler's hoarse voice whispered down to me, his voice was nearly gone from all the yelling we had to do just to have a conversation over the crowd.

I adjusted my head to look up at him. Studying his features for a few moments before I actually spoke. He just made me so happy. I smiled as my own raspy whisper came out, "How perfect life is and how it's only going to get better from here on out. I'm so in love with you Zyler and I don't want to ever have to live without you."

He grinned as he gripped the back of my head, where his fingers were already tangled and pulled my lips to his in hunger. We were definitely getting the passion back. I no longer felt disgusted with myself for ever letting Josh touch me. The steps we were making were huge ones.

When he pulled away he grinned, still whispering, "And I am so in love with you Chloe. Calling you my wife is only a bonus to what our future holds."

I rolled my eyes at his cheesyness even though it still gave me butterflies, laughing out, "Well tomorrow you'll be granted that bonus."

"Heeeey." Lacee stumbled over with a huge grin on her wastey face. "We should play a game!"

I pulled myself up off of Zyler, it was still my party after all. Lacee squeeled as I got up and I shrugged asking her lightly, "Like what?"

"Truth or dare!!!" Kailee squealed, appearing out of nowhere.

"Just us girls?" I asked rather concerned they would let Wick play. I wasn't in the mood to ruin my night and he would be sure to make that happen.

Lacee nodded, "We can pair up with a guy. If its Truth we answer and if its Dare the guys have to do them." The twinkle in her eye and grin made me know she wasn't done. "And we don't get to pick our partner. All names go in a hat."

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