Unseen Truths

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It had been a month into Taylor's therapy and he was starting to show progress which kept me happy and hopeful. While at the hospital with Taylor, I had met with Zyler's doctor as he went to do his thing. Currently, we were on our way back to Bill and Dee's with Wick as our trusty chauffer.

"I just have the most important job today." Wick spoke up sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes in his direction from the passenger seat, speaking dryly, "And what's that?"

"You know just giving back, it's like charity. A car full of retards just taking them around to see the city." He glanced in my direction, "Did you want to stop for ice cream too?"

In unison, I backhanded Wick's bicep closest to me and Taylor reached around and soft palmed Wick's cheek.

I glanced back at Taylor with a wink then looked at Wick, "Sorry disabled people can't control themselves. As for ice cream I can eat some when I get home....." I paused with a small smile then focused on my hands in my lap, "I actually have news that I want to share when I get back to the house."

"Did you invite Lacee?" Taylor asked in a flat tone, so I turned in my seat to look at him. His face was hard and pained.

"Are you two still fighting?" I cocked my head to the side in question.

Tay shrugged, "I wish you knew why Chloe. It's really hard not being able to justify it to you. Especially when you look at me like that."

Letting out a giggle while talking, I asked, "Like what exactly?"

Wick cut in loudly, "What is wrong with you woman? You're all giggly and offering smiles today. Is this another mood swing we'll all pay for later?"

Sitting back straight in my seat, I looked in his direction. I was hopeful today, as I was any day, but was I showing it more? Although my husband was still in a coma, I was also another month closer to seeing our child. The product of our love. I ran my hands over my belly and decided to shrug off Wick's comment with no response. He was being odd today.

Bill and Dee's home came into view and my anxiety began to build. I was a firm believer in jinxing things, but the doctor's prognosis was something I could not hold in. As we pulled into the driveway, I took in my surroundings and noticed an unmarked car parked on the street. I looked back at Taylor with a raised eyebrow, pointing at the car in question.

Wick was already out of the vehicle and grabbing Taylor's wheelchair from the trunk.

Taylor must have already seen the car as his eyes stayed on me, as if he were studying me before he responded, "It's the investigator." He averted his eyes to Wick, who had opened the door for Taylor and started helping him out.

The investigator? It had been months since the accident. Did this mean it was no accident at all? I pondered more as I unbuckled myself and opened the door. I heaved my rather large self out, at times I felt like a square trying to get in and out of a circle when it came to doing certain things. Being seven months pregnant is a new experience and I wasn't going to miss any of it, even if I felt inept at times.

I took a drink of water before making the journey along the driveway. I'd probably need a nap by the time I got inside.

"Want a ride?" Taylor teased with a chuckle as he rolled himself with his arms in his wheelchair next to me. He was taking being in a wheelchair and physical therapy rather well. I guess being alive and seeing Zyler still in a coma put things into perspective for him.

"Or a piggy back ride?" Wick smirked before him and Taylor burst into laughter, "Get it?.... Piggy?"

They kept laughing as I huffed and glared, turning my back to them and started walking or waddling rather. I was used to being picked on already. In a sense, I liked it. I didn't want to be serious all the time even if it was at my own expense. I never thought I'd be so happy to gain weight but because it meant my baby was healthy, I couldn't care less about their fat jokes, because in reality I didn't care at all.

My New NeighborTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon