Just A Dream

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The snow was hard and steady as I watched it fall outside the window. I had spent the last week in Big Bear helping build a new wing to the high school. The money was donated by my mom and was opened yesterday with a ceremony in her honor. Surprisingly, I had taken the whole scene well and Zyler even showed up to it, without notice. Now, we were currently being snowed in by one of the biggest storms all Winter.

I poked the fire before turning to watch Zyler. He was currently looking at photographs on the wall. This house was always my favorite vacation home. Any season it was always a perfect place to be. The flames danced on the natural wood walls, providing the only light in living room. I rested back into the huge bean bag, which could easily fit four people on it comfortably, and grabbed my wine glass from the near end table. I drew in the white wine, the fruity flavor dancing on my tongue before sliding down my throat.

Zyler looked to me, with what seemed like hesitance in his stance, his jaw muscles tightening.

“Did you know?” He spat out, clenching his jaw again.

“I’m sorry. Come again?” Where was this anger coming from and about what?

I sat up straighter, setting my glass back on the table.

“Did you know that Taylor was in love with you.” Zyler demanded.

My body froze and my heart stopped. Almost forgetting how to breath I took in a deep breath. Zyler kept his stance on the other side of the room.

“Wait…. What?” My mouth felt dry, without breaking my gaze I reached for my glass and took a hearty swig.

He scoffed and shook his head. I could feel the thumping of my heart increase as my hands got a little shaky.

“Chloe are you really that oblivious or are you just trying to play innocent?” He glanced to the pictures on the wall again, “This wall is plastered with evidence.”

His eyes were now fixed on mine again. My eyes flicked to the door as my brain started to form an exit strategy. Damn the snow. I was going to have to talk about this for the first time in my life. My mom had always made hints that she knew about the situation but we had never talked about it. No one knew, but me.

“Yes.” My lips quivered out quietly.

“Yes what?” His voice seemed to echo loudly and rattle my brain.

“I knew…” For some reason I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I didn’t owe Zyler any explanation, if anyone I owed it to Lacee.

“You broke his heart you know….” Zyler’s voice was even harder.

Where was all this coming from and how did he even know. Had Taylor told him? How much did he know? As if he could read the questions on my face, he continued.

“Taylor got shit faced the other night. He told me everything. He is certain you will leave me when you get bored with me.” He shook his head, “And yet here I am, stuck in the hugest storm… In a house with you.”

I rose to my feet, sucking up my tears as my emotion turned to anger.

“That is not fair.” I called across the room, “Lacee was in love with him. He toyed with both our emotions. Instead of letting him make the decision of who he wanted to be with…. I… I… I-made it for him.”

“Did you….” He looked away and his voice softened, “Did you love him?”

I couldn’t tell where his anger was placed. Was it at me? Taylor? Himself? His emotion was all over and I couldn’t read him at all. Without hesitation I answered him so he would understand there was no doubt.

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