I Love Your Laughter

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My screams turned into laughter once my eyes cleared and I realized I must be thrown over Zyler’s shoulder; I began pinching and slapping anywhere possible for him to put me down because there was no way I was getting anything out through my stomach paining laughter. I looked to Lacee who was just trying to hold her beer up as Taylor ran with her on his shoulder. It would be like her to be more concerned with her beer. Next thing I knew I was on the ground on top of Zyler, looking around then down at the small rut he must of fell in. I rolled over onto the ground, nearly unable to breathe as my laughter continued. I moved to get up and was now on all fours raising to get up when he grabbed me by an ankle and pulled me back down.

“Zyler!” I took in a deep breath before laughing again, “Leeeet…. Gooooo.”

“It’s your fault I fell. You distracted me with your wandering hands.” Zyler said before letting out a soft chuckle.

He kept a hold of my ankle as he got to his knees. I searched for Lacee to help me but she was already standing waist deep in the ocean, completely drenched. I looked back at Zyler, trying to shake his grip even though I knew it was of no use. I moved my mouth to his arm, trying to bite him. He let go of my ankle and I scrambled to my feet, trying to run, but he was faster, he grabbed me swiftly and I was being carried to the water by the waist. Zyler moved me into a wedding night carry in one swift move and I found my arms reacting by firmly going around his neck. He watched ahead of him as I examined his face before looking to the water as I was flung into the air. While I was in the air I wondered why I let him go, maybe out of reaction, then the cold water embraced my body. I pushed myself up as I quickly felt the bottom, pushing my hair out of my face and looked around to the three others who were laughing, almost doubled over.

“That was so funny.” Lacee choked out.

“I thought we were watching a UFC fight.” Taylor quipped up through his laughter, wiping his face.

“It’s not my fault she was trying to cop a feel and I got distracted.” Zyler laughed.

“It’s not my fault he’s clumsy I will not take the blame for that.” I put my hands up, holding back a laugh, pretending to be serious.

“She tried to bite me!” Zyler pointed, trying to frown but couldn’t because he was so amused.

“She does like to bite.” Lacee added with a shrug, her laughter turning into small giggles.

“Kinky.” Was all Taylor had to add in.

I tried to splash them all with water but failed miserably as I stepped in a hole, lost my balance, and fell on my butt into the water. This was useless, I was going to make a fool of myself. I just laughed it off, while the others were back to howling with laughter. Karma tends to get me back as soon as I do something to deserve it. I had to admit it was nice to be having fun. Work had it’s benefits of temporary social needs, but this was real interaction. It was hard to hang out with Lacee and Taylor the more they fell deeper for each other. It gave me a taste of what I was missing out on and I would rather bury that deep inside, or consume myself with work. The latter seemed to be more effective.

I pretended to pout as I moved out of the water, wrapping my arms around myself. It was a chilly night and I was ready to be next to the fire pit in my backyard.


I had my hair pulled up into a messy bun as I held my hands over the fire. The flames were so mesmerizing and I was so lost in thought I didn’t know anyone was present. I heard a throat clear and quickly looked to my left to see Zyler standing there. They had all went home to change into something warmer while I started the fire and changed myself. A FOX Riding Company hooded sweatshirt and matching white Capri pants hugged my body trying to keep me warm. Zyler was in a black plain hooded sweatshirt and plaid shorts, which I thought looked like appropriate night beach wear.

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