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I love to travel, it's a time where i just meet new people, learn about different cultures. Knowing about where people in the world come from is life changing, it's so fascinating. Beautiful scenery, different landscapes. You learn different languages. It's amazing. Traveling is something i do all the time. I work as a photographer. People all around the world book me as their service to take the most amazing pictures. I was once told that my picture taking skills were magnificent. They all loved the ideas and scenarios i came up with.

I love it when people give me feedback and different ideas. I make sure all my clients are satisfied with what i take. I send them all the pictures and they get to pick out the ones that seem the most appealing to them. I make sure all of them are happy with my work. At the end of the day, my clients love to come back and request for me to take pictures again. I love my job, i get to experience happiness and just the level of excitement.

Being the youngest and highest paid in the field of photography i make good amount of money, even though that's not all i care about. It's the concept of making people light up or learning about what others do for a living. How their lifestyle impacts others. It's amazing to learn about. Your mind gets in a whole nother perspective. It puts you at ease.

My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hello this is Athena McCoy, what are you interested in?" I asked in my business voice.

A bubbly voice spoke. "Hi I'm Mora and i was calling because i see your a photographer and i wanted to see if you'll take pictures for our family." I love getting to talk to people. It's my highlight.

I start writing everything down, "Yes, what would you like. Would you want inside pictures or outside and if you want any special or special props." I responded.

She takes a moment to think, "Can you do both inside and out. No props. Also we're located in New Jersey?" She questions pondering.

I take notes, "Yes i can, okay so your in New Jersey. Anything else?"

I sit down in my chair, "Can you do them in about a week."

"Yes ma'am and can i have a phone number so I could contact you with all the information."

She gives me her personal number and i write it down.

"Alright ma'am, we'll stay in touch."

"Thank you again." I bid my goodbyes and hang up the phone.

It's so common for me to double book on the same day, i try not to just because i love to give my clients the best work.

I wonder how big this family is.

Looks like I'm going to New Jersey.

I thrive off of my job. It's pleasant to see my clients happy and having smiles on their faces. It's a beautiful sight.

I call my best friend, she answers on the second ring.

"Why are you calling me at this time of day." She instantly says.

I look at the time, "It's 4:00 bitch." I said and rolled my eyes.

She hates being woken up from sleep.

"Yea well i was sleeping peacefully."

"Well i got booked today." I said with a smile.

"What, who was it?" She said enthusiastically. Now she wants to take interests.

"A woman named Mora and her family. They live in New Jersey and I'm going out there in a couple of days to prepare. They want it done in a week." I finish off rambling.

She laughs at my corkiness. "Well I'm happy for you babes." She tells me and i smile.

"Anyways I'm going back to sleep since you woke me up." I roll my eyes.

"Yea yea bye." I hang up.

Me and my best friend, Tori has been friends since middle school. She was the kid who always talked no matter what. I was the awkward shy kid growing up, i grew out of that stage. I'm now the fun, corky person to be around.

Growing up i had the privilege of going to private schools but i wanted the real experience of public. Making different friends that's not classified in the same group. By the time I was in high school everyone's knew i was rich and they knew who my parents were.

They all bullied me, saying i was the rich stuck up girl. Someone who always thought i was better than anyone else. That wasn't me at all. I just wanted to make friends and have people to talk to. Tori always stuck by me even when all the rumors were going around the school. At the point in time i didn't go to school for a while. It has gotten so bad. I had to be the bigger person.

The rumors eventually died down. I was relieved.

I look on my computer and figure out what all i need for this trip.

My skin being darker than most black people made others look down on me. I'm Jamaican and Nigerian mix. I get my darker completion from my dad, my mom on the other side is brown skin. I love my skin and where I'm from but my hair is so much. It gets annoying trying to put up my afro in a ponytail or something.

I go in my computer and look up for tickets for New Jersey in less than a week. So i can get there early and meet them.

I get another call, "Hello, this is Athena McCoy how may I help you?" My business voice is another different version of me.

The same voice answered, "Yes I'm Mora we spoke on the phone earlier." I nearly cringe at her voice.

Shaking that thought, "Yes what would you like to discuss." I took out my notebook and got ready to write down request.

"Can you take a flight to New Jersey in 3 days?" She seems nervous.

Could i go in three days, that's enough time to get everything ready.

"Yes i could fly out in 3 days." I answered back.

She sounds relieved, "Great. Okay I'm going to have my son email you our address and he's going to be meeting with you to discuss everything. Does that seem alright?" I think about it. It could be a different opportunity.

"Yes that seems good. I'll be in touch. Thank you." I said back.

"Thank you, and have a good rest of your day ma'am." We bit goodbyes and hang up the phone.

She said her son will be emailing me in a day or so. I wonder what this family is like. Or how many children does she have. She said she was married.

All this wondering and thoughts has my brain fried. I continue to read my book in hopes to calm my thoughts down.

Everything will turn out wonderfully!

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