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Waking up to a refreshing morning. Realizing I'm going to meet the family I'm going to be taking pictures for.

I look at my phone to see it's 11:50 i have time. I yawn and get up to take a shower.

The warm water trickling down my back, making me feel in bliss.

Moments like these i love, just the feeling of peace and the water running down on your body feels amazing.

I wonder what this will be like.

I get out and the clothes i hung up in the closet, I go over to there and pick up a nice but elegant look.

A black blouse and and a black pencil skirt that makes my hips stand out. I look in the mirror and admire myself.

Kyle should be here in a couple of minutes i take that time and call my best friend Tori.

She picks up on the first ring, "Girl i was waiting for you to call me!" She shouted over the phone.

I roll my eyes at her, "Hello to you too." I say sarcastically.

"Shut up anyways have you met anyone hot to hook up with!" I snorted.

Kyle doesn't count people!!

"No i haven't, I'm here for work." I deadpanned.

I hear a knock on the door, knowing it's Kyle i open it up. He sees I'm on the phone and he goes over to sit on the bed.

"Look Tori i have to go and do work things I'll talk to you later." I hang up without waiting for a response.

I look over at him, "I'm sorry about that." He smiles.

"No worries." He stands up, "You ready." I nod and grab the things I'll need as we leave the hotel.

We get in his Range Rover and he drives to his house.

I take this time to trail over him. His muscular hands gripping the steering wheel and his right hand on the gear.

I look over his face, his sharp jawline, his stubble on his face makes him look attractive.

Wait.. what am I saying.

I see him smirk which makes me turn my head and look out the window.

"My sister has an attitude on her so watch out." I nod.

"How old are your siblings?" I question.

"I'm the oldest at 36 then there is my bother at 28 and my sister who's 21." Wow that makes me wonder how old are his parents.

"Yes i know I'm old go ahead and say it." He chuckles. Keeping his focus on the road but glancing back at me once a while.

After being in the car for a little bit longer, he parks the car in a driveway of a mansion. A brown porch. It's a brown mansion. We get out the car.

"Come on, my parents don't bite." He chuckles and i walk towards him. He lets me enter first.

"Mom, I brought a guest." He calls out. Following what he does, i take off my shoes and grab the folder.

His mom hugs him and she looks at me. "Who's this?" She questions.

"I'm Athena, the photographer you hired." Something clicks for her.

"Oh yes, honey why don't you bring her in the kitchen." She shook my hand.

"My family is something else." I laugh as he walked me into the huge kitchen. This house is amazing. Nice interior.

I see what I'm guessing is his father already sitting at the huge table.

"Dad this is Athena, she's the photographer." He looks up and smiles.

He comes over to me, "Hi nice to meet you Athena." I smile.

"You too sir." I nod my head.

"Please call me Antonio." I nod.

"Okay let's all sit down and talk about how this is going to work." Mora called out. I took a seat in the middle.

I took out my notebook and started to write down things they want to add into the photos.

"Does anyone have anything they want to add or the location y'all would want to take the pictures at?" I question them.

"What about 2 group photos then everyone takes a photo separately. We could go out to the garden." Mora suggested. I wrote down the ideas.

I nod, "Do you want a color scheme or a background that matches?" I question.

After them thinking Kyle speaks up, "We could do a blue and black color theme. But the background can be the flowers in the garden." I wrote that down thinking it's a good idea.

"These are all good ideas." I look at all of them. "Anything else any of y'all want to add." They're going to love how this turns out i can already tell.

They all think for a while, "Could we do us in one photo then all our kids in another photo." I ponder over that. Yea that would totally work.

"Yes, that's totally fine with me." They nod.

"Great so everything is settled. Wait what about the date or time."

I smile, "It's up to y'all." Mora nods.

"How about in three days around 1. Is that okay."

I smile at her kindness. "Yes that's fine and by then i should have everything prepared for y'all."

I get up and shake all their hands.

"Thank you for taking the time to do this for our family." I nod and smile.

"It's a pleasure doing this for y'all. I love making my clients happy."

I talk to them for a little bit longer then i ask if Kyle can drive me back to the hotel. I grab my stuff and get in his car.

"Your parents are nice." I tell him and he backed out of the driveway.

He looks over at me then back at the road. "Yea, they can be a handful sometimes." He chuckles and I join in.

The chemistry with me and Kyle is different. A whole new level and i can't understand where this is coming from.

I can't lie he is attractive. Like really hot. But I'm not dating my clients son. That's not happening no matter how attractive i think he is.

"Your deep in thought. Are you okay?" He asks. Damn he's concerned about me now. What the hell can't this man do?

I look at him, "Yes i okay. Just tired." What a bullshit excuse. He parks his car in the side of the hotel.

"Do you want me to walk you up?" He asks me turning to face me completely.

I shake my head, "No I'm fine. Go back home. I'll see you sometime." He nods and i walk up to the front. I see him leave and i walk up to my room.

What a long day. It just gets stranger and stranger.

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