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One year later

Today is the day. Today I'm getting married to the love of my life.

I've came so far as a personal, I achieved everything that I wanted to. I have a beautiful family with the guy who I'll always be with.

We have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and 3 month old son Atlas Xavier Green. Yep you heard that right I had my second child 3 months ago, the pregnancy with Atlas was very smooth and easy.

My pregnancy cravings were super weird, I ate things that I wouldn't even think about eating now. Kay'Leigh is such a good big sister, she'll always ask me if she can help feed him. I decided not to put him on breast milk because I did with Kay and honestly it was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt.

Atlas is healthy so that's all that matters. Kyle is the best father and soon to be husband ever. I am currently 30 years fucking old.. like wow.

Life has been out of this world. Me and Kyle are still thriving at what we do, and yes I'm still the most highest paid photographer in the world. Kyle is still the CEO. He currently working to build a restaurant in Italy. The most beautiful place and we're going to go for our honeymoon.

My husband is so sexy, or almost husband but you get my point.

"You look gorgeous sis!" Jaylan tell me.

I have a bright smile on my face and turn around. "Thank you. I'm so excited and nervous. Oh god what happens if I trip or forget my words.."

Jaylan laughs, "Calm down being dramatic.. you'll be fine sis. I love you and I'm so proud of you." Oh my.. my heart.

"Okay I'll be fine. I love you too my little brother." He rolls his eyes.

"Not little anymore." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Serious." I shake my head and give him a hug.

"Good luck sis. I'm proud of you." Omg my heart.

"Thank you, Jay." He leaves the room I'm in and I know mom or dad will be in here soon so I use up the time alone to reflect on everything.

We have spent so much time working on us and making sure our kids never go without.. I mean not like they ever will but we want to teach them that money isn't everything, you have to work hard on what you want.

Spending quality time is everything I'd imagine.

"Honey you look out of this world!" My dad said to me.

Welp my quiet time is over. I turn around to see my mother with tears in her eyes.

"Momma stop being so dramatic." Seeing her cry is gonna make me cry.

"I'm serious Desire, I'm so proud of the woman you have became. My oldest getting married. Never thought that day would come."

I roll my eyes, "Mom seriously." She laughs.

"What? You always buried yourself into your passion with photography.. but nonetheless I'm proud of you." I smile.

"And I second that. I'm so glad I got to see the woman you became into. Now you ready for your big day."

I take a deep breath. "I'm ready." Mom kisses my forehead and so does dad. He holds onto my arm.

"You know when me and you mom got married I literally cried. Like full blown tears she was the woman of my dreams and I couldn't imagine how it would be without her."

I laughed, "That's so sweet! How did mom react?" I ask. The music is about to start playing.

"She laughed at first but she told me that it was sweet that I cried." He laughs as well. The music plays and it's cue of dad to start walking me down the aisle. Mind you Kyle hasn't seen me in 3 days, which is forever.

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