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Morning came and I woke up without Kyle in bed, where did he go?

I get up and walk down to the kitchen, I see a shirtless Kyle dancing and making breakfast.

I silently laugh and him dancing. He looks so cute.

I decided to scare him, so I tip toe up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He jumps in horror.

"Damnit Athena you scared the hell out of me." I laugh at him for being scared.

"It's not funny babe." He pouts and continues to make breakfast.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

He turns off the stove and picks me up. He spins me around and I laugh like a high school girl.

What is wrong with me seriously.

No I'm not in love with him for y'all to be thinking of.

"Put me down Kyle." I yelled at him while still laughing.

He finally listened and sat me down on the stool, he acts like nothing happened and gets two plates out. He puts breakfast on both for us. Kyle hands a plate to me first.

He sits down next to me and we eat our breakfast is comfortable silence.

I always enjoy the peace and comfort with Kyle, he makes me feel safe and I enjoy it.

"You're so beautiful Athena!" Kyle says to me while staring into my eyes.

The intense eye contact makes me weak, I look away.

I start blushing, "Thank you." I act all shy now.

He gently grabs my chin to make me look at him, "Don't look away beautiful, own it. You are so beautiful." He pecks my lips a couple of times.

God, Kyle what the fuck are you doing to me.


I smile genuinely, "See now I get to see your beautiful smile on your face."

I giggle.

"I got to go but I'll stop by here later." I tell him.

He nods and drives me back home. The reason why I'm leaving is because Tori wants to hang out. He gives me a kiss and tells me bye. I smile and enter my house.
I entered my house to find Tori already there.

"Well hello!" Tori said making me jump into reality.

"What the hell? How did you get in here? I thought you lost the key I gave you." I look at her.

"No I just thought I did. But never mind that, where have you been? And you smell like sex."

I blush thinking about the things me and Kyle did.

"Spill now!" Tori demanded.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to tell her about me and Kyle, everything that has happened between us and how I think I'm falling for him.

The smile on my face was real.

"Wow, that's something." She seems shocked which I find that surprising.

I nod, "Yea."

"So what's going to happen when he has to leave here to go back home?" Tori questions.

Now that I think about it I don't know, we haven't talked about that.

"Umm, I don't really know. I'm willing to sit down and talk to him about it."

Tori nods, she has that look on her face when she knows things won't end well.

"Please don't say it." I said before she even said anything.

She's sighs "All I'm going to say is you have to talk to him about this, if you really have feelings for him talk it out."

I close my eyes for a second, "You're right, I do need to talk to him about it and lay everything on the table."

"Good for you, now I'm going to get back home text me and tell me how it goes." I nod and kissed her cheek as she left.

I got out my phone and texted Kyle

Hey can you come over, I need to talk to you.

K: Sure I'll be over in about 5 minutes.

I sigh let's just get this over with

I received a text from Athena telling me to come over so we can talk, I wonder what she wants to talk about.

Sure I'll be over in about 5 minutes.

I replied back to her and I got everything I needed and headed to her house.

Now I don't get scared of confrontation but with Athena is different, she makes me feel on cloud 9 and I love it when I'm with her.

I climb out my car and knock on her door, not even a second later she opens it up for me with a big smile on her face.

She pulls me it, closes the door and gives me a long passionate kiss.

I laugh at her, we pull away and sit down on her couch.

"Not that I didn't love that but what's the occasion?" I question.

I get comfortable on her couch as she plays with my ring.

I can tell she doesn't want to say whatever she's thinking.

"Baby what is it." I whisper to her.

"I'm scared you'll get mad at me and you'll ignore me."

I feel sad at my baby, "Babe I promise whatever it is I promise I won't get mad or be upset with you, remember communication is key. Alright?"

I lift her chin up and kiss her lips, bringing a smile to her face.

"That's it let me see that beautiful smile of yours."

She laughs and god am I falling so hard for her right now.

"Alright well I just want to know what'll happen whenever you decide to go back home, we live 13 hours away from each other and long distance is hard. Its just a possibility that we'll have to end this but I can't."

"I can't end this because I'm falling so hard and so fast for you. Kyle you make me feel so special, like I actually have a purpose in life. You can make me smile just by doing little things or nothing at all. I don't know what I'll do if I ever lose you and I don't want to think about it."

Wow to say I'm shocked is something.

"Baby I get where you're coming from, Okay I'm falling for you too so hard you're so special to me and I love it a lot. I really want to say we'll figure this whole thing out but I can't because you never know. One thing I can promise you is that I'm never giving you up, no matter the distance I'm not leaving you, I won't leave Atlanta for a while so I can spend more time with you but when the time comes we'll be prepared. You're not in this alone baby, I'm right here with you and will continue to be by your side."

I see she has tears down her face I instantly feel bad.

"Come here baby." I open my arms out for her and she climbs in my lap laying her head on my chest. I just continue to hold her because I'm also scared of what will happen when I do eventually leave to go back to Jersey.

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