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The wink! That fucking seductive ass wink. I can say all the fucking cuss words in the book but it won't add up to what I'm actually feeling.

I can't believe, I fucking can't believe that Kyle mother fucking Xavier Robert Green had the nerve to wink at me. Who does he think he is.

Just because he's oh so famous and a fucking CEO of a damn company my fiancé is at doesn't mean he can fucking wiggle his way back into my life and Kay'Leigh's at that point. He doesn't know about her and for the moment I want it to stay that way. I can't even dare say a word to his fucking cowardly face right now.

Just hearing his voice, I want to go punch something, or someone.

Fuck it, let's punch Kyle without anyone seeing.

I see him go towards the back door. Bingo! No cameras there.

I sneak up behind him, as he turned around I punched him square in the jaw.

Fuck! Bad idea. My fucking hand is throbbing.

"You fucking-"

"Watch what the fuck you bout to say to me, Kyle cause I swear you utter that word and your jaw won't be the only thing that's bleeding." I sneered at him.

The shock he has on his face. Like I said I feel nothing but pure hatred towards him, for fucking everything.

"Well well well, Athena. What's the purpose for this exactly." I roll my eyes. He's fucking trying to be cocky.

"You have the fucking nerve to waltz back into my life but let me tell you something Kyle, you will and can never get me back. Fucking leave Trey out this. He has nothing to do with our history and he doesn't know." I say the last part under my breath but I know he heard it.

"I'm not waltzing back, how's my daughter Athena, She looks exactly like you." My blood ran cold. The fucking nerve.

"You, How did you know? You know what you're back in Georgia to get me back, I know all about your tactics but let me tell you, they ain't gonna work. I've never mentioned to her about you. Don't you dare go running your mouth Kyle!" I tell him sternly. Knowing him, he wants to tell the whole world.

"Woah, what happened to you? Where is the nice woman I knew. Where did my best friend go?" I scoff at that.

"She went away as soon as you chose to leave, as soon as you let your head decide for you instead your heart. Kyle, She left a long time ago. So if you want to see your daughter even more than once, I suggest that you stay out of mine and Trey's life. You owe me that at least." I finally say and walk to the other side where the car is.

Knowing Trey is waiting for me, I hurriedly walk to the car.

I see he's already sitting in the car.

"What took you so long?" He asks.

I like to say I'm amazing at thinking quick on my feet, "All the restrooms were occupied so I went to the one all the way on the top floor then I kinda got lost. Sorry." I tell him.

"It's alright, glad you are safe." He says and leans over to kiss me.

God, his kisses are something else.

Trey has been nothing but the best towards me and my daughter.

With Kyle back I have no clue how everything is going to play out.

Maybe just maybe it's time to tell him about our history. About everything and to have a talk with Kay'Leigh about her father.

Let me grow up and take responsibility. I'm not gonna let some coward ass speak to me like he did.

He has no right, not after everything he put me through. The fuck he thinks this is.

This white fucker better know who he's dealing with. I'm not the same person he used to know. I changed for the better in every single way.

Once he parks the car in the driveway he turns and looks at me. "What did you think about today?" Lord, a million of thoughts running through my head. All of them being I want to kill Kyle.

"It was nice, your boss seems like a strong level headed man." That's not even close to what he is.

A fucking coward, pussy ass bitch is what he is and more.

"I'm glad you're thinking positive. He seems tough."

Not the right word but okay.

"You'll be fine babe, I promise. Now let's go see Kay'Leigh." I kiss him and we head out the car.

Trey knows I'm rich and famous. I don't brag, don't let the media get to me.

I mean I am the highest most paid female. Gloating is good about now. I don't think I ever took the time to realize how far I've came. How certain things I had to sacrifice and let go off. At the end of the day it was all worth it.

Seeing her again! Wow! Every single emotion I felt when we was together just came back. I know she's engaged and I told myself I wouldn't do anything to ruin it but maybe just maybe I want her all for myself once and for all.

I know I was a stupid ass for letting her go. But I can only make it better, plus I do have a daughter and I want to be there for her no matter where me and Athena stand.

I do want her back.

I want us to finally have a happy family together. Multiple kids, I finally purpose and marry her. Everything that I remember her saying.

I changed for the better because of Athena, I'm a different man than I was.

But in the back of my mind is one big concern. Will I honestly get Athena back for good. Will she actually still even want me?

My question is will she leave Trey and be with me like she is destined to be?

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