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I take a deep breath, that voice did nothing but send chills up my body. The one person who I never wanted to see again is here with someone who knows Kyle.

It's like we can't escape anything that happens to us.. well the bad things.

I'm scared to learn or find out that might tear us apart for good.

No! We don't need that, I need to know why Justin is here and who is this woman to Kyle.

"Justin." I say with bitterness and anger laced in my voice.

"Debra." Kyle says with a threatening tone.

Why is this happening. We just got back on track we don't need more shit.


It looks like Kyle kept some things from you.

My conscience screamed at me.

Might as well leave him now.

Shut up. I yelled in my head. This is giving me a headache.

He's back and someone that Kyle knows is back.. this is just great.

"What the fuck are you doing here? And better yet why?" I become angry at him and myself.

Life's a bitch sometimes and today is one of them.

He laughs, Justin fucking laughs like nothing ever happened. I despise him, did everything possible to make my life a living hell then goes and cheats on me with one of my best friends, who I considered like a sister to me. That's the part that hurts the most. But he had the nerve to blame me for his cheating. Cheated on me for a year and blamed me because I wasn't giving him no pussy after the one time. Which I'm glad I didn't anymore.

That fucking sick bastard.

I need to learn who this woman is and the significance with Kyle.

"Nice seeing you again Kyle, always a pleasure." The woman Debra I presume said almost seductively, which makes me think she was either an ex or some kind of fling he gave up.

I look towards Kyle and he's livid. I am too but I wonder why.

"Oh excuse my manners, Im Debra Kyles- He cuts her off.

"Don't." He said in a threatening tone, which made me get chills down my spin.

"Sorry Kyle I make the decisions now. As I was saying I'm Debra Kyles ex-wife." My eyes bulged out my head. Her smirk on her face makes it evident that she knew he never mentioned it.

I looked towards Kyle with tears in my eyes pleading with him to tell me it's a joke. It's not true, but with the looks of it, it's all true.

I nod turning away from him. "Justin get the fuck out of my face." I walk away going towards the car but before I got in I heard his voice.

"Remember Athena I still got leverage over you, never forget."

Ignoring him I get in the car and drive away, leaving Kyle there.

Fuck! The tears finally fall from my face and I drive back home. We was just doing amazing too.

This has to be a joke or a nightmare.


Of all people it's Debra. My ex-wife of 4 years. I divorced her because all she was after was my money. She was a gold digging, cheating bitch and I have no remorse.

I didn't tell Athena because I wanted to forget. Forget the pain, forget her for trying to bring my company down with her tactics. She's nothing but a snake.

Seeing Athena's face made my heart sink. I did that to her, I didn't tell her and I'm such a dumb ass for that. I hurt her and I know this is going to probably break us.

"What the fuck Debra." I yelled at her, my nose flaring with anger. To keep from launching over at her I pinch the bridge of my nose.

She laughs, "Well well it looks like the great Kyle Green lost his precious girlfriend." She smirks.

"You know I applaud you, didn't tell your precious girlfriend about our past. That's something I knew you would do. Really giving up everything in Jersey to live down here. I understand really," She steps closer towards me. "But one thing your girlfriend can't do is give you everything, the things we had together. She can't do that."

"You better back the fuck off of me. Now!" My tone was harsh and low. Debra is playing with fire and I won't hesitate to watch her blow up in flames. I turn to leave, but seeing my car is gone I call my driver to bring me a car.

She laughs, "You better watch your back Kyle."

I see her and Justin leave the scene and my heart starts racing. I'll never be the one to admit it but I'm scared everything will go into flames with me and Athena.

We was doing so good, before this happened.

Fuck my life.

They left and my driver came with my Mercedes, which I'm happy about but this isn't the right time.

I drive back towards her house fast, not caring about anything but her. I'm glad I got her spare key on hand.

I arrived at her house and everything is pitched black. So I take out the key and unlock her door.

I walk up the stairs to her room. Before I open the door I hear her silent cries.

My heart breaks.

Yeah because you're the one to do that to her. The one to blame.

I open her door and I see her quickly dry her face. Making it seem like she was never crying.

"Why are you here?" She questions with a tone I don't recognize. She's seems almost emotionless.

"I came to talk and see how you are." I said sincerely.

She scoffs, "Why? You obviously decided where you stand. Why didn't you tell me? Why hide it from me? I thought we was in this together." Tears fall and I'm the cause of this.

"I didn't tell you because it's in the past. Our divorce was messy, she used me for my money then cheated so I'm sorry I never told you but honestly it's done with." I tell her honestly.

"Why didn't you just open up to me, like you said. Am I really that unimportant that you couldn't even tell me the simplest thing. I wouldn't have gotten mad I just wanna get to know you more. Is that honestly so wrong. We're supposed to be in this together Kyle, and you couldn't even tell me one simple thing." She shakes her head. Hurt, pain and disappointment set clear on her face. I did that, I made her like this.

If my ass would of just opened up to her, but like the idiot I am. I couldn't do that.

"I'm sorry Athena I really am. I should have told you but you shouldn't even be mad." She raises an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean." I shake my head.

"Really if I didn't catch you blatantly cheating on me, would you have told me?" I question feeling my anger flare up.

She opens her mouth but quickly closes it. I laugh, "It's funny, you're mad at me for not telling you but you wouldn't even tell me you kissed another dude if I didn't catch you. You're one to point finger really." My emotions are all over the place.

"You finally said it." She laughs. "Kyle do me a favor and get the fuck out of my house. You can leave Atlanta for all I care. This relationship is done."

I look at her, couldn't move or speak. I was frozen in time. She said what I was hoping she wouldn't say.

"Get out now!" Her menacing voice rang through my ears.

"Glad to." I walk towards her door and slam it.

Punching my hand into the light pole.


Yes this chapter is long, don't kill me for this either.
It will all make sense later. But thank you for reading. All love.

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