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I watch as Athena drives up a hill to her parents house so flawlessly.

She parks the car in a driveway and I look at the house. It's so beautiful. Flowers up front, wind chimes slightly swaying with the wind.

A beautifully stone path leading up towards the house.

Just wow.

Athena locks hands with mine, "Ready?" She questions me and I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous.

I know she said her parents already love me but what if I say some fucked up shit.


I nod my head and plaster a small smile on my face. Taking a deep breath I reply, "Yes." I'm calm but on the inside I'm freaking the fuck out. "Actually I'm a little nervous." I mumbled.

"You'll be fine I promise. Come on." She says.

Nodding, we start walking towards the door.

She opens it and yells out, "Mom, dad." She says.

Athena s her mom are literally twins. Both her parents come out the kitchen and give her a hug.

"Wow sis couldn't even call my name. Big jerk." Her brother Jaylan I presume says to her.

She laughs, "Okay, this is my boyfriend Kyle, Kyle this is my mom Natasha my father John and my annoying little brother Jaylan." She introduced all of us and her father looks scary.

I give him a firm handshake and he glared at me saying I better not fuck this up and give his daughter a heartbreak.
After I made it know to my dad that he has treated me with respect and love. He finally cut Kyle some slack.

Kyle is a good guy despite what has happened lately he really makes me happy and just comfortable with him.

My everything and more.

"How have you been sis." My little brother comes sit next to me on the couch.

"I've been good, my job is good, me and Kyle are good finally at a good place. Everything is honestly great." I tell him.

I can tell he's super happy for me. "That's good, that's all I've ever want for you." I smile and hug him.

"What about you? Any girl in your life?" I question him like the big sister I am.

"No sis, focusing on school at the moment. No hookups or girls. Just school, but I'll be the first to tell you if anything changes." I laugh.

My mom calls us in the kitchen, meaning it's time to eat. I grab Kyles hand and walk to the kitchen together but not before giving him a little kiss.

"Y'all gross." I hear from behind me. None other than ugly ass Jaylan.

I see Kyle throw his head back in laughter making my heart burst.

God, I love this man.

"I love you the same, now let's go see what your mom cooked up for us." I smile and walk in the kitchen.

I kiss both my parents and sit down in a seat while mom serves us the food.

Which is her famous jerk chicken pulled with a side of black corn rice and cornbread.

My fucking favorite.

After she's all served us we bow our heads in a prayer which my dad always leads since he is a minister at a church.

My mom works at a hospital, she's a neurosurgeon.

We dig in and start a conversation after the prayer is finished.

"So Kyle what is it that you do?" My dad questions. I'm not worried about the questions they ask him.

Unless it's one in particular.

He swallows, "Well I was a CEO but I currently stepped down from my business in New Jersey. But since I'm in Atlanta permanently I'm thinking about expanding the little business I have here into a bigger one." He concludes and the smile I have on my face is so big.

"So you're in Atlanta now. If you don't mind me asking why?" My stupid little brother asks just to be nosy.

"Yes I'm in Atlanta permanently because I knew if me and Athena kept seeing each other one of us would have to move, so it's not a long distance relationship. So I knew how much her friends family and her job meant to her. That's when I suggested I move here." He looks at me and smiles.

God he looks so happy and carefree right now. I love the look on him.

He looks really sexy right now. I shake away those thoughts.

After finishing the conversation and hanging out with my parents for 2 hours we finally call it a day and start heading back home.

I go over and hug everyone.

"Bye Athena and Kyle don't be a stranger you're family as well. I love you." Kyle nods his head and heads to the car.

"I love you too mom." I kiss her check.

"I can see how much he loves you, don't run away from it." I smile at my dad and hug him.

"I know and I won't. I'll call later. Bye." I tell them and head to the car.

"Do you want me to drive or do you want to?" I ask him.

"It doesn't matter to me beautiful." He says and I drive back home.

"Your parents are amazing and I love your brother." I smile at the appreciation.

"I love them so much, they're my whole world."

He looks at me with this look in his eyes.

"What?" I look at him then back at the road.

"Nothing it's just I'm so in love with you and you never cease to amaze me." He chuckles and I have a huge smile on my face.

Is it getting hot or is that me.

I continue to drive back home. I know we have to talk about it but I'm scared to bring it up.

I've definitely gotten quiet and he notices, "What's wrong?" He questions.

I shake my head not wanting to bring it up at all but he has other plans and I know he won't let it go.

"Something is bothering you, what is it beautiful." He says softly.

"I know we have to talk about the obvious elephant but I'm scared to actually bring it up. We're doing so good and I would hate to ruin it by what you tell me." I say and I continue to drive not daring to look at him.

"Baby," He says softly. He sighs, "I know but I would love to actually talk about it when we get home, I just don't want you to jump to conclusions because baby you do that without letting me explain." He says and what he says is true. I don't let him explain himself.

"Okay once we get settled then we can talk." I sigh.

I have no clue what this conversation is going to look like but I hope it's good.

Can't afford to have my heart crushed again.

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