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The school bell rang.

Yuki looked over at your empty desk.

After class was over, he took out his phone to see if he received any messages. There was nothing in his inbox.

It's been four days since you haven't come to school.

The first day you weren't there, he didn't think anything of it and visited your apartment to see if you were doing okay, but no one answered the door.

On the second day, he called and texted you, but got nothing in return.

On the third day, Yuki, Tohru, Kyo, Uotani, and Hanajima went out to look for you. Nothing.

Today is the fourth day and there was still a no-show.

"Where could Y/n be?" asked Tohru. She's been worried sick ever since you disappeared.

All of this felt all too familiar to Yuki and Kyo. Something like this happened before.

"Maybe she ran away again," said Kyo.

"Shut up," said Yuki.

"Maybe she listened to Akito again and decided to disappear!"

"I said, shut up!" Yuki spun around and grabbed Kyo by the collar. He then noticed all eyes in the hallway were on them.

There was silence.

He then slowly let go of him.

"How about we go to the teacher's lounge and ask Ms. Shiraki?" suggested Uotani.

"Yes! She might know something!" said Tohru.

They went to the teacher's lounge where their homeroom teacher was.

"Hm? You want to know where Y/n is?" asked Ms. Shiraki.

"Please? Will you tell us?" asked Tohru with her puppy eyes.

"I can't. It's confidential. I can't just leak a student's private matters to other students. It doesn't matter how close you are. I'm sorry, but it's my job," she said.

Yuki was getting restless. She knew where Y/n was, but wasn't telling them.

"I see. I understand." Tohru's voice was what stopped Yuki from exploding. "Can you at least tell us if she's doing okay?"

Ms. Shiraki gently smiled. "Yes, she's doing fine."

Tohru looked down with a worried smile. "Is that so? I'm glad."

They left the teacher's lounge.

Yuki calmed down, but he couldn't help but feel helpless. You were so sure that Y/n was dead set on staying.

The resolve in her eyes and the confidence vibrating from her voice. There was no doubt she intended to stay.

"I have faith in Y/n," said Yuki.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with you," said Kyo. Yuki couldn't believe what he was hearing. "She even told Akito she's not leaving. Why would she suddenly change her mind?"

"Yeah. Why would she just leave her close friends behind without a word? She's not that type of person. At least, not anymore," said Uotani.

"That's true. Her waves emitted true happiness when she was around us," said Hanajima.

"Alright. Let's go find her together!" said Tohru with determination.

They all went to her apartment and asked her neighbors if they knew of her whereabouts. They asked every one of the residents, but they found no clue to where Y/n might be.

Stuck In The Past (Yuki Sohma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now