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Hello to all fellow readers! Tis I, the author speaking!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who gave this fanfic a chance and read it to the end. Literally makes me so happy people actually read it.

I also love love love reading all the comments y'all leave behind. It just shows that my readers are actual humans beings living on this planet. The comments are so hilarious and makes me laugh without fail. Like for real, the comment section is no joke😂.

Anyway, as you can tell by the title, I have a very important announcement to make. If you did not know, please read the title.

I have good news and bad news. 

The bad news is, "Stuck In The Past" has come to its end. I know it's sad, but you know what they say: All good things must come to an end. (I think I included this in one of the chapters.)

Honestly, it was such a breeze writing during the summer since I had so much free time, but it became tougher once school started again. Even though it was kind of difficult, I enjoyed writing every single chapter. Knowing that I had people waiting for a new chapter every week made it all feel worth it.

I also apologize for the long and unexpected "hiatus" I took midway without any notice. I'll try my best to be as consistent as possible in the future!

Now for the good news! Even though "Stuck In The Past" has come to an end, that doesn't mean my time as a writer has ended... yet.

This means, I have a new fanfic coming up probably in Summer 2022 so keep your eyes peeled for the next one. 

But yeah, that's my announcement. I know I already mentioned this, but thank you all for your support by just reading. Feel free to give me a follow ;) Virtual hugs and kisses to you all <3

Stay safe and I hope to see you all next time! 

Stuck In The Past (Yuki Sohma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now