Who is he?

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Lily's POV

Lily: But who gave me this Mysterious Hickey??.......

Ishi: I don't have any idea...is there by any chance that you met your secret admirer last night??while I was sleeping??....

I am done with this girl...seriously..if I met him won't I tell her??...

Lily: Are you serious??...How can I??..If I net him I would have told you girl...

Ishi: Okk...then Detective Ishi is on job...we need to find out who gave you a hickey so mysteriously...

Then the bell rang and I went to check...

I saw no one but I saw a letter with some pink lilies...

I saw no one but I saw a letter with some pink lilies

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I came in and Ishi smirked at me creepily...gosh is she a psycho??..
I went to her and asked...

Lily: Why are you smiling like a creep??...

Ishi: Another bouquet huh??...I'm so sure that this admirer is the man who gave you that hickey to mark you as his...

Lily: Seriously???...Are you a psycho??...you look like one yk...maybe that person is just too shy that is why he expresses his love like this...Wait...does he even loves me or its just admiring??..

Ishi: He loves you..now read that letter let's see what he wrote now...

Lily: Yeah yeah..

With that I opened the letter and again it was written I red ink...it said,

Dear kitty,

How are you now??...I hope that those wounds are okk now...BTW, you look really cute while sleeping my kitten...but I am thinking how good you'll look under me..the thought only makes me crazy...I think I'm inlove with you...

We'll meet soon kitten...till then be safe and best of luck for your studies...

Bye Kitten,
See you soon..

Your lovely,


Is Ishi right???...did he really??..is he stalking me??...

Ishi: Hey..he's creepy...I was just joking but now I think he really gave you that hickey...how did he know about your wounds??....I think he's stalking you...

Lily: I think you're right...he's different...but I now want to meet him...I need to meet him...Idk if I'm right but maybe he's really pervert or obsessed...

Ishi: We should stay careful...now let's get ready...and go to STUDY...you know we have college on Monday again...

Lily: Okk...

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