Side Arc: Lost Iris - Armistice

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[Union Atlantic Fleet Command Headquarter, New York - Third PoV]

It was almost 7 hours as Mobile's return to Headquarters as he now report the situation and battle at Gibraltar.

[Commander Office]

the Commanding officer of the Atlantic Fleet is Rear Admiral Vance. inside his office was decorated with pictures of his family as one of them is one that they have travel to Israel before the siren invasion.

RAdm. Vance: The Siren threat in the Mediterranean is real, and we can't afford to let it expand throughout the region. there will be resistance involved especially the Royal Navy. but I believe we have no choice. the Union must render aid to the Sardegna Empire and Iris Vichiya if we've to have any chance of stopping the onslaught.

Mobile: What about the Libre?

RAdm. Vance: That in the meantime, Iris Knight Saint Louis and other a privateer go by the name Jean Bart has requested a mission to the Mozambique Strait and Malta, and the Sardegna Empire, Littorio and Vittorio Veneto have authorized it. The knight has asked us for our assistance on this. 

Mobile: I see about that.

RAdm. Vance: There more, they have to ask you and your fleet, by name... Whatever they need. make it so. that is all.

Mobile: Aye sir.

Just as Mobile was about to leave VAdm. Vance notices something on his wrist instead of having a normal pattern but it has a tattoo like this one that looks to be either the symbol of a bow or lyre.

{A/N: Does anyone wants an OC update? like post-civil war or post-siren war?]

[Union Shipyard/Concourse]

at the Concourse, we see that Independence, Brooklyn, and Mobile are now resting look at their ship repair. While in the Medical award, Princeton and Helena were there doing a therapy checkup.

Princeton: Okay no more physical lifting for a week, I got it.

Helena: Sword lifting again and shoulder injuries?

Princeton: Yeah, I think I should find a substitute for my sword now... Augh!!!

Doctor: This injury will last for another 2 days and the pain will be double in that.

Princeton: Right.

after that the two leave as they walk to the Shipyard, Mobile is on the custom section as he was browsing through the option.

Mobile: Let's see, Virgo Pattern on the hull and... well frak it go all!

Princeton: Mobile, you still have that problem right?

Mobile: Shoulder again?

Princeton: Don't start with that.

after all of this, the team went to Club 45 as they all sit down to talk about the Iris situation.

Independence: So what you told me, the Iris and Sardegna have ships on the other side of the wormhole right?

Mobile: yeah, the Indian Oceane was the Gamma Quadrant as it was about 42% charted thank the Royal there...

Helena: And a bit from the Sardegna and Iris.

Princeton: So what gonna happen after this?

Mobile: Well... for starter, a rescue effort, and a humanitarian fleet will put together and help the infected area. if that all goes as the plan we will have a new settlement.

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