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You were tired . You sat slouched on the seat , the side of your head pressed firmly against the bus window as your eyes closed at the price of the darkening skies outside . Finally , you'd longed for this moment. Slowly... Silently... Your mind began to drift...

"Can you move your bag ?" a voice asked .

You opened your eyes and sat up , pulling your bag onto your lap . He sat on the seat next to you and immediately became immersed in the depths of a book , paying you no further attention , but you immediately saw he was full of good looks . Nevertheless , you gazed out longingly in awe at the brightly-lit crescent moon . 


Eventually , he stood up and signalled to the driver with his hand . When he did , you realised that he must have been over 190 centimetres tall . Wow . You're not anywhere near that . The bus stopped moments after and he left .

Sighing , you sat up to readjust your position when you incidentally glanced to your left : the book . Hi book . On the seat . Curiously , you opened the front cover . Seeing the writing on the inside cover , you read his name out in your head .

"Jotaro Kujo ?"

You grabbed your own bag with one hand , clutched the book closely with the other and made a swift escape through the closing bus doors onto the stone-grey pavement under the dim glow of lamp posts outside . Luckily , your eye caught him turning the corner at the end of the street . Though not exactly sure why you were determined , you began to follow , running . When you were but a short distance away , you called out to him .

"Jotaro !"

He stopped walking , taking a moment before turning around and walking up towards you . Up close under the street lights , you couldn't deny that he was an incredibly good-looking man , though part of his face was shadowed by the front of his white cap whose back somehow blended with his dark hair . He looked down at you questioningly .

"You left your book " you said , slightly out of breath as you held it out to him . He raised an eyebrow and took it from you .

"Oh , thank you" he said back plainly , placing the book inside his bag . "I've got to go ."

Feeling slightly put-off by his abruptness , you shrugged it off in your mind and simply nodded before making your way back to the bus stop .


The next day , the sunshine shone generously . Arriving at university , you went straight into the main building and registered your attendance . You headed straight for the lecture hall regarding Linguistics and sat straight down as there were already people in there . Soon , the Professor entered . All became quiet in the room . The professor continued talking at his audience until lunchtime . When the lecture had finished , you found a bench outside and sat down quietly alone , placing your bag next to you on the side . Caring not for lunch , you put in your earphones and buried the tip of your nose in the pages of a thick textbook . 

A few minutes later , a finger tapped you on the shoulder from behind .

"Mm ?" you responded , removing one of your earphones , though you didn't look up from your book .

"Hi ."

That voice . It was familiar . Your head snapped up almost immediately . You turned around . Butterflies filled your stomach almost instantly . 

"Jotaro ?" 

He sat down next to you .

"What's your name ?" he asked .

You tell him your name . He then stood up , saying nothing . You couldn't help but notice . You secretly watched him as he crouched down , picking up your bag off of the ground and lightly brushing off the dust . You hadn't even noticed that it fell off of the other side of the bench . Jotaro gave it to you .

"I didn't say thank you properly the other day" he began . "Let me make up for it , if you wouldn't mind ."

For some reason , you felt your face heat up . "S-Sure , if you want to ," you said kind of nervously , closing your book and taking out your other earphone . You put your things in your bag and stood up . He nodded . The both of you started walking .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now