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Right after that , Jotaro lowered himself and kissed you hard . Kissing him back , you pushed your hips up and hooked your legs around him . You felt his warm hands move carefully under your back , one on the back of your head as you put your arms around his neck .

Without breaking the kiss , Jojo readjusted himself to be sat upright on the sofa with you sat on top of his lap , your calves and heels under your thighs as your knees were bent either side of his waist .

The pair of you almost immediately progressed to making out intensively on his sofa , almost struggling to hold back from each other . The softness of his lips massaging yours was intoxicating . You pushed your tongue into his mouth , moving it around as the two of you began french kissing . You began to move slowly on him while they kissed , as if you was riding : Jojo gradually slid his hands down the sides of your waist , supporting the movements .

Now you were dominating ; you could tell he was hungry for you .

Jotaro dropped his head back , allowing you to trail your messy kisses slowly down the side his neck . You pressed them hard onto him , slightly nipping at his skin with your teeth , eventually stopping near his collarbone to reach around and pull his head up and look into his eyes . His pupils were dilated , the colour in his eyes was prettier than you'd ever seen them before . They glowed with a splash of guilty pleasure highlighted in his teal eyes .

You raised yourself to now kneel up with his lap between your knees . His arms dropped to either side of him and he began to helplessly grip onto the sofa . For such a usually stoic man , him letting his guard down only furthered your temptation to see how far you could go with him .

"What's all this about Jotaro Kujo not being a nice guy , hm ?" you asked teasingly , sitting on his lap and moving around on top of his hardness underneath his sweatpants. "I don't think I heard you properly ."

He threw his head back and stared at the ceiling , breathing sedately . "Looks like I win " you boasted playfully , tracing the tip of your finger along his jaw as you took in the appeal of his defined facial features before stroking Jotaro's bare chest . You gently ran your fingers through his dark hair , feeling the softness of his natural waves , before staring into the green obsession of his eyes again . He was red in the face . You planted one more small kiss on his mouth before finally dismounting him .

"You can get that movie on the TV now ," you tell him , going through the door .


After taking a few seconds to finish registering what'd happened , Jojo sat up and reached for the remote beside his foot . He could only sigh as he relaxed back into the sofa and switch on the television ; at this point , he could only admit that the urge he felt towards you was because each time you two got close , his attraction to you grew . Jotaro had never wanted someone so badly before . The warm , enticing sensation of your touch lingered longer each time . Your arms around his neck , you sitting on his thighs , your skin on his , it secretly drove him mad .  What had just happened , he felt , was too short to his liking , but you had made him too weak with lust to pursue you .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now