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You rubbed your eyes , barely able to clearly see the pendant lamp hanging from the bedroom ceiling . You sat up slowly , stretching your arms . 'Where is Jotaro ?' you said to yourself as you spread his bead neatly and readjusted the pillows to be neat .

You wandered to the bathroom and washed your face , before realising you didn't have a toothbrush . 'Well shit ,' you grumbled to yourself with discontent . You paced out of the bathroom in search of Jotaro when you suddenly paused outside of the living room .

You looked around the door : there he was , fast asleep on the sofa .

You returned to the bathroom and removed your clothes before stepping into the shower and sliding its glass door shut . You relaxed as the warm shower water ran on your skin , steam soon filling the bathroom . You applied Jotaro's shower gel to your body , taking notice of it's light minty fragrance as you rubbed it into your shoulders and smoothed it onto the rest of your skin .


Finally , you had finished taking a long but very soothing wash ; you felt so fresh and clean , as if you could walk outside naked and not care . Feeling great , you turned the tap that controlled the water and placed your hand on the shower's steamed glass door with a smile , sliding it open . 

You suddenly let go of the door : it slammed shut loudly upon release . Your face heated up . You stood frozen , your hand still on the shower door .

You hadn't heard Jotaro come in , but he was not stood in front of the toilet .

You opened your mouth to say something but he was gone . You stood there , now confused , your mind desperately trying to register what just happened .

"I swear..." you said to yourself . "I can't have imagined it , but then he's not even here ." 

Then you noticed a blue folded towel , though it looked as if it had been thrown , by the side of the sink . You stared at it cluelessly for a few seconds . You shrugged it off , drying yourself with the towel , when you heard a knock on the bathroom door . 

"Yes ?"

"I left a spare toothbrush for you on my bed , and you can wear my stuff ." he told you from the other side .

"Oh okay , thanks Jojo."


You applied some body lotion that you found by the bathroom sink . As you gently rubbed it in , you noticed that it smelled - for some reason - like flowers ; you raised a brow before continuing , rubbing the lotion on your legs and working your way up until you'd massaged the lotion all over your body .

"I wonder how he knew I had even showered ," you thought in your head .

Now in front of his open closet pensively with your hands on your hips . You slowly ran your fingertips across the clothes hung up , quite unsure what to choose . Eventually , you closed your eyes and blindly reached in with both hands , taking out a  random shirt . It was big on you - you didn't even need to put anything else on apart from underwear , which you took from one of his drawers and put on before finding Jotaro in the living room watching TV .


He pushed his finger on your lips , forcing you to be quiet for a moment .

"You used the lotion in the red bottle ?" he asked , removing his finger .

"I did . Why ?"

Jotaro smirked as he stood up , stretching his arms before putting his hands into his pockets and walking away . When he reached the door , he turned around .

"I can tell because you smell like cherry blossoms . That lotion's Japanese , I forgot I even had it until just now ," he explained . "My mother in Japan gave it to my old man to give to me when he visited her down there six months ago . That explains why it smells like flowers ."

"Your old man ?" you asked tilting her head , a bit confused by his wording .

"Gramps . Jiji . Old man ." he shrugged before turning and leaving the room . "A damn crazy one too ... but he's good fun ."


Later , you both ate breakfast together which Jotaro had made . 

"What day do you next go in to uni again ?" he asked , in the middle of a mouthful .

"3 days ."

As soon as he finished , he held your hand in his . "Stay here -" he told you , before his voice trailed off . "Please..."

"My clothes and stuff are back at my place ."

"I can get them later ? Just stay over here for the next three days . Anyways , I need to shower." he said as he stood up and pushed his chair under the table . "Leave your plate in the sink when you're finished."

Later, you returned to the sofa and continued watching the TV , soon hearing the bathroom door open and another door close . Moments later , you heard Jotaro open the living room door and turned around to see him standing under the door frame with the towel wrapped around his waist .

"Out of all things , you remembered to put your hat back on but not your clothes ." you joked , chuckling softly . Jotaro pulled the front of his hat down to shade his eyes .

"Oh." he replied , a hint of a smirk plastered across his face . "Should I forget the towel too ?" he laughed , closing the door as he left the living room to finish getting dressed .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now