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a/n : before you continue reading (i'll try not to interrupt too much) i just want to say thank you for 300+ reads and 20+ votes ! i appreciate EVERY single vote and view i receive and i'm very very thankful for the support . Congrats on your recent engagement to Jotaro (and the new pregnancy haha) ! i hope you all continue to enjoy the story .
kaydri ~


The rest of the reunion party went really really well that evening as its livelihood lasted into the early hours of the next morning . Guests chatted , laughed , drank . Joseph did an absolutely fantastic job at hosting the event for its duration , effortlessly conversing with the guests . You knew a saying that went a bit like "the host is the life of the event" . Something like that .

Your soon-to-be husband Jotaro Kujo was congratulated by various guests : occasionally you wondered if - no , you knew that the people he was speaking to noticed the visible trail of hickeys you'd planted down to his collar a few hours ago , their reddish hue noticeable against his naturally slightly tanned complexion . That secretly amused you . Nevertheless , Jojo looked so incredibly good . He wore a pair of black uniform trousers and a tailored white long sleeve shirt with his two top buttons undone . His dark , thick waves were free from his usual hat variations - you loved how that one particular curl hung loosely over his right eyebrow , his aqua teal eyes being the specialty of his beautiful face under his bold , beautiful , daring eyebrows . Differing from his usual small gold stud earrings that he wore , he'd opted for a small silver plated hoop in each ear (quite similar to your engagement ring) . He was cleanly shaved as always . His sharp , defined jaw was one of his best assets . You seriously didn't think he could look any more handsome than this .

The food catering was handled quite well - obviously , because it was on Joseph Joestar . Drinks and such beverages were always on the ready of demand . Snacks were stationed on the Joestars' kitchen counters , varied tables in the lounge and on a table on the balcony .

Actual dinner was prepared to be 'self-serve' buffet style which included Suzie Q's very own really nice pasta , meat , curry sauces and Italian salads . Holly had also contributed in the kitchen with some Japanese cuisine : yakitori , fried rice and hotpot dishes . Dinner was hosted from 7-9 . Three large newer tables had been pre-setup prior to the party , you even learned that the dining room table could be expanded to accommodate twice as many people as normal .

The Joestars : Joseph Joestar , Holly (Joestar) Kujo and Jotaro Kujo , sat on the main table , also accompanied by Suzie Q Joestar and yourself (you took the seat between Jotaro and Suzie , which would've probably been taken by Sadao if he wasn't touring at the time) .

Holly , on your left , wore a pale pink long sleeve dress with flared cuffs , and her blonde hair was scooped into a bun : she wore red drop tassel earrings and a necklace with a small star . Joseph , opposite you , was in a grey suit with a light grey shirt and red tie . Suzie Q wore a floral green dress and matching hat .

"You know ," Joseph said to his table , taking a sip of his beverage and turning to his daughter , "Sadao could've made an effort to come with you , Holly ."

"Papa , don't start . You know his work is quite demanding" Holly sighed , shifting in her seat .

"Kujo was barely around while Jotaro was growing up because of his work being 'demanding' ."

"Oh Papa , come on !" Holly pleaded , sounding a little hurt at Joseph's comment , uncomfortable . "Even you took trips abroad when I was a little girl and mom never once complained ."

"Holly , that was because they were for business reasons ." Joseph countered gruffly . "Try not to cover up for him please . I'm not attacking Sadao but he wasn't the best example for my grandson at all . What could be more important than raising your child ? Tell me that ."

You side glanced at Jotaro , subtly seeking his take on the discussion of his father . He didn't appear to be bothered , and ate as if his mother and grandfather weren't almost arguing .

"You know what ? I'm done with this conversation ." Holly seethed , dropping her fork . Jotaro flinched at the sound of its contact with the glass dining table . Suzie looked visibly upset . You were lost for words . Her words shocked the table . A normally calm , joyous woman's anger had moved everyone on the table .

"H-Holly ... that really stung ."

Holly said nothing , resuming her dinner . Jotaro sighed , as if to say "yare yare daze" , and stood up to leave .

"Y/n , come with me ."

You obeyed and followed Jotaro out of the room to the balcony , the both of you alone on the balcony . Below , the NYC roads were lightened with the light of cars and lampposts that lined the streets . The sky was a navy dark . The moon peeped out from behind some dark clouds . It was cool , a night breeze hung in the air . Jotaro leant against the railing nonchalantly , his head turned to look outwards at New York under the moonlight .

"Jojo ..."

"Yes , dear ?"

"How did you feel about Joseph and Holly's ... argument ?"

He sighed and looked at you , his green eyes likened to pools of aqua treasure . He hesitated a bit before he spoke .

"My father would visit us every now and again when he had time off but he'd never stay for long at home and that's always upset Jiji .

"I was locked up for four days when I was 17 , and he never knew because he was on tour . That was around the time when my mom was sick for 50 days . He had no clue about anything . But Jiji had no right to bring that up . Maybe my father was often absent but he made effort anyways ."

Your eyes widened in question . "What were you locked up for ?" you asked , standing in front of him to look up into his eyes .

"A street fight ."

Tough boy .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now