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... "My wife Y/n Kujo is having a baby ."


In a huge burst of congratulative excitement , Holly immediately ran up to you and your now-fiancé , her blue eyes wide and sparkling .

"Jotaro !" Holly squealed , shutting her eyes and squeezing her son . "Y/n ! Congrats on the baby !"

Joseph wiped a tiny tear from the corner of his eye , beaming brightly . "I'm going to be a great grandfather" he sighed , slapping his grandson on the shoulder . "Congratulations both . Also , y/n , we're family now" he told you , pulling you in for a side hug . "You don't need to call me Mr Joestar ."

"My , that's a lovely ring y/n !" Holly admitted admiringly , holding your hand in hers to take a closer look .

It was a perfect fit , a very beautiful gift indeed : a silver platinum loop encrusted with small diamonds and a larger one in the middle .

"Mhm , it really is ."

"Hey, Jotaro !" you heard Polnareff cheer , coming towards you . The big friendly Frenchman hugged Jotaro , lifting him off the floor .

"P-Put me down , Polnareff !" your fiancé suddenly exclaimed embarrassedly , red in the face . Joseph fell into a fit of giggles , his daughter too . Jotaro grunted . 

"Y/n~ ," Jean-Pierre said to you , ignoring his friend's protests , "if Jojo doesn't hold you like this then he's doing everything wrong ."

"I see ."

"Jotaro~ , this is how you do it" Polnareff taunted purposely, attempting to rock his friend about . Jojo gasped .


You giggled as Polnareff finally put Jotaro down , also laughing .  "Yare yare ." Jotaro mumbled , regaining his composure .

"So , when are you two tying the knot ?" Joseph asked .

"Me and Jojo ?" you asked him .  "Or Jojo and Polnareff ?"

Polnareff snorted .

"You do have a point , y/n" Joseph added teasingly .

Jotaro sighed , shaking his head and walked off .


Some time later , you were sat in one of the couches in the lounge , quietly admiring the very pretty engagement ring on your finger that Jojo had given you .

A tall , black man approached you .

"F/n Kujo ?"

"Oh , hello " you replied , standing up . "That's me ."

He held out his hand . "My name is Smokey Brown . I'm a good friend of Mr Joestar's ."

"You're the mayor , aren't you ?" you asked , shaking his hand .

"I am , yes .  I've known him since I was a boy . He stuck up for me when police confronted me for pickpocketing him . Thanks to him , I was able to turn my life around and go to college and get into Politics . Want to hear a funny story ?" Smokey asked , sitting down .

"Sure " you said , sitting next to him .

"I don't know if funny is the right word but one time , we got news that he was dead and at the funeral he turned up not knowing what was going on . His reaction when he saw the headstone was priceless ."

You laughed , shocked . "He turned up to his own funeral ?"

"I did indeed !" Joseph added , sitting next to Mr Brown . "By the way , y/n , Jotaro's asking for you , He's by the door ."


You saw Jotaro waiting by the door , idly staring down at his shoes .

He looked up . "A lot's happened this evening , let's relax for a bit upstairs ."


"Hey , Mr Joestar " Smokey whispered , nudging Joseph with his elbow . Joseph leaned his ear in .

"Mm , Smokey ?"

"Where are those two sneaking off to ?" the politician inquired as the two of them watched you and Jotaro disappear .

Joseph snorted . "God knows ."


Upstairs , Jotaro opened the bedroom door , letting you to walk in first before quickly shutting the door behind him and kicking his shoes off . "Y/n , come here" .

You turned to him . Smiling , Jotaro picked you up , holding you up by the thighs . His eyes of aqua were so much more beautiful up close . He carried you as he went to sit down on the bed with you on his lap .

Hs grinned as he placed his hands by your lower back , tilting his his slightly to one side as the two of you closed your eyes and went in for a kiss . His cool , minty breath was almost addictive. You felt like you just couldn't get enough of him . You hungrily cradled his face with a hand on each of his cheeks , softly caressing his firm cheeks and locking your lips with his before gently pushing against his own with your tongue . He accepted and responded with his own tongue , making it a long French kiss . You loved him so so much . No one had ever made you so happy .

Mid make-out , you pulled back , pushed him flat onto the bed and crawled back on him to continue . You slowly made your way to his neck , pulling at his skin . You sensed the duration of his breaths prolong and become lighter . He stroked your head .

"Try not to leave anything there " he requested, feeling your hair with his fingers . You smiled against his neck . "What ?" he asks . You let him sit up and he looks at his reflection in the mirror above the dresser .

"Y/n ! They're all going to see this" he said , lifting his chin to examine the reddish-purple marks that trailed from his jaw to his collar . You smiled innocently . "I'm not laughing ."

"Are you angry ?" you asked , pouting slightly .

"Yare yare , let's just lay down for a while ."

"Fine ."

You laid down , your knees bent up , scrolling through channels on the TV with the remote ; Jotaro laid between your legs , his head resting on your lower stomach , his ears between your thighs , looking up at the ceiling . You carefully ran your fingers through his black waves with your free hand .

Eventually , you heard a knock on the door . Grunting , your fiancé got up to answer it .

"Jotaro ," Joseph said , "we've been missing you downstairs for a while . Is that y/n over there ?" Joseph called , pushing his head around the door . "You lovebirds will have plenty of time to kiss around later ."

You smiled innocently again . Jotaro rolled his eyes .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now