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It had been a few days since you'd last heard from or seen Jotaro . You missed him already and really wanted to call but knew he'd probably be too busy with work to talk . You couldn't stop thinking about him .

Sighing , you turn your attention back to your text books on the kitchen table . "Jotaro is Jotaro ,"  you told yourself . "We're not in any commitments to each other so I guess I should get on with my own work , he probably doesn't see me like that and I don't wanna ruin our friendship". 

You knew within yourself that you missed Jotaro because you liked him . He was somewhat mysterious , in a way ; very , very intelligent and more interesting the more a person got to know him , but you couldn't get out of your head the entrancing emerald-like green hue of his eyes . It made you warm inside every time you remembered his face .

A while later , your phone started vibrating and shuffling on the table . You picked it up and answered .

"Hi JoJo , it's been a while ."

"Hi y/n ," he greeted you calmly . "Are you busy ?"

"I... no , I'm not " you lied automatically , closing your book in front of you . "Why're you asking ?"

"Want to get lunch together ?" Jojo suggested . As he said it , your heart skipped a beat . You were so happy . 

"Of course I do ! I-I mean , yes ." you stumbled over your words trying not to sound overexcited , your face heating up with a little embarrassment . 

"Okay , meet me at Green Street park at one ."

"Got it !"

"Alright , later ."

You got up immediately and went to your room . You picked out a super comfortable dress and trainers/sneakers . You couldn't wait .


Once you arrived at Green Street park , you saw him sat on a bench , reading a book . You called out to him , waving , and he got up and approached you .

"Y/n ," he said , looking down at you , his normal fixed expression remaining on his face .

"Hey Jojo !" you beamed widely , hugging him briefly . He patted your back .

"Ready to go ?" he asked as held out his hand to you . You felt like you were going to burst with joy but instead you took it , interlocking your fingers with his , and the two of you began to leave the park together . You figured he was probably just being friendly but you couldn't get over it , it was a big thing to you . You felt like your crush on him was getting bigger every time he did the smallest things . Your hand felt like a perfect fit for his , even though yours was smaller .

Both of you got on the bus . Jotaro occupied a seat by the window and you sat down next to him , resting your small bag on your lap . He stared absent-mindedly out of the window .

"You know , we're sitting like that time before you left your book on the bus ," you pointed out . 

He turned his head and looked at you for a moment , before facing forwards . "Good observation."

"Ugh , what did I tell you about being so serious ," you commented abruptly , facing forwards too and crossing your arms . You knew that just sounded quite rude and you felt bad .

"... I'm sorry , y/n ." 

"A-actually , no , I'm sorry . That was rude of me ." you apologised , looking down at your lap . Now you felt even more guilty . 

"Don't feel bad about it ," he told you calmly , placing a hand on your shoulder .

"Oh , by the way , answer this . What made you call me earlier ?"

He was silent for a moment , considering what answer to give you . "I just wanted to see you ."


You both got off the bus and you followed Jotaro , taking a few turns until he walked into a restaurant . Someone came to the door almost immediately .

"Table for two , please ," he asked . Soon , the pair of you were sat opposite each other at a table . A waiter handed you both menus and told you to wave her over when you were ready to make your orders , before going to attend to another table .

"It's on me , so get whatever you like ," he said to you , reading his copy of the menu . "They've got some good food here ... I like the look of this ramen . What are you getting  , y/n ?"

You thought about what you wanted as you traced your finger over the contents of the menu .

"Hmm ... I'll get [favourite food]" you told him . He nodded and called the waiter over , placing two orders . Around ten minutes later , both of your orders came .

"Oh this looks really good !" you gasped as it was put in front of you .

"I hope the both of you enjoy your food ," the waiter smiled before leaving you both to eat . When you were both done eating , Jotaro dealt with the bill before you both left the cafe .

"Thank you , Jojo ."

"Nothing to thank me for ," he said , slightly pulling the front of his hat down . "Let's walk ."


You walked with Jotaro , into a park . 'Another park , he  sure seems to appreciate nature a lot' you observed in your mind . This one was also quite scenic , with flowers here and there in the grass , and walkway-paths . A huge monument stood tall not too far from the two of you , its marvellously sculpted figure posing in front of a stone with engraved writing that informed passers by of what it commemorated .

Jotaro sat down on a bench , resting his forearms on his thighs ; you sat down beside him . He stared at his feet silently , now visibly bothered by something . You hated seeing your friend feeling low . He was like this the other day .

"Jojo , what's up ?" 

"Oh- it's nothing ."

You got up and stood in front of him . He looked up at you .

"I won't ask you to tell me if you don't want to," you began , "but sometimes letting out what's bothering you can make you feel better ."

He sighed . "I've never really spoken about this" Jotaro revealed , his voice trembling a bit . "My mother was very sick five years ago , I was only seventeen . For fifty days , no one knew if she'd make it . She's fine now , but I do miss her - but I don't say that to her or she'd start worrying ."

You smiled . "That's cute , how much you love her."

"You think so ?" he asked . "Well , my mother and grandma are the only women I've ever loved . Until now , that is ."

What ?

He stood up and pulled you close to him . You didn't know what to do with yourself . You could feel his heartbeat against your own chest , it thud rapidly in this moment . His light breaths on your forehead . He held your chin and stared deep into your eyes , his own green and pretty like emeralds , his touch driving your mind crazy .

You gazed slightly up at him at the expense of the height difference , his alluring teal eyes confessing the many feelings he'd never say otherwise . The scent of his Cologne was just incredible . His body felt so warm and cosy , sending your mind into a dreamy daze . The thick , single curl of hair that hung from underneath his hat in front of his right brow now brushed against the side of your face . Jotaro cupped the back of your head with his right hand , the other resting still on your lower back as he pressed his lips firmly to yours . His muscular arms pressed against your body as he kissed you . 

Eventually , Jotaro pulled back from you , still holding you . He studied your face contemplatively for a moment . His look into your eyes was earnest , serious , enough to sweep you off of your feet .

"Y/n , I'm ... in love with you . Will you be with me ? "

You smiled , the sheer happiness in your face causing him to smile too .

"Yes Jojo ."

You couldn't believe it . This wonderful man was now yours . You felt like the luckiest person in the world .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora