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The next morning , Jotaro sat up , shaking your shoulder . "Y/n , we'll be late for breakfast ," he warned .

Half asleep , you merely grunted as you turned to lay on your stomach and continue sleeping .

The stardust crusader stretched , got up and promptly headed to the bathroom on the floor your room was located (3rd) , undressing to take a shower .

Sliding the shower door open , he turned on the water and slid it back shut ; he let the warm water run down him .


Minutes after , you came in to brush your teeth .

"You finally got up" you heard Jojo call to you from inside the shower .

Finishing brushing your teeth , you spit and wash out the sink before putting your toothbrush down. "How long are you gonna be in there ?" you ask .

"I literally got in five minutes ago , y/n . "

Ugh , I can't wait forever you thought as pulled your vest over your head and left all your clothes by the side of the sink . You kind of felt nervous but you knew there was nothing to worry about, sliding the shower's door open and stepping in .


Jotaro looked back interestedly over his shoulder at you , his dark wet waves dripping water down onto his face as he stood under the shower head . You'd never got to properly admire how fit he was , how toned his legs were , how strong and muscular his arms were , how well defined his chest and abs were . You were in so much awe , even though you'd seen most of him before .

He half grinned at you as he turned to face you , a shimmer enlightening the bold colour of his eyes , holding the bottle to you as you pulled the shower door shut . "Get going on my back" he told you .

"Right , okay ." you said , massaging the shower gel onto his back carefully . Your touch was felt comforting to Jotaro . Your fingers glided over his star birthmark , the feeling of your hands rubbing on his wet gel-ish body feeling too good to be true .

After , he moved to stand directly under the shower head and let the water finish him off before moving past you to open the door and leave .


You wrapped on you a large , fresh towel and fixed your hair in front of the mirror . You returned from the bedroom , seeing your now half-dressed boyfriend Jojo casually laid across the bed .

"I'm gonna brush my teeth , I'll be back" he told you , getting up . He walked past you , tugging the corner of your towel , causing it to drop on the floor . 

"Jotaro !" you shouted , half-embarrassed .

"Yare yare" he smiled , leaving the bedroom . By the time he came back , you were dressed and watching the TV ; after he put a shirt on , you both went downstairs to greet Mr and Mrs Joestar .


"Good morning , sleepy-heads !" Joseph said heartily to you both as you approached the bottom of the staircase . "My wife's doing us breakfast , she'll be done in a few minutes ."

The three of you went into the loungeroom .  Jotaro sat down and leaned back in the chair , spreading his arms across the back of the seating . You sat next to him . Joseph sat opposite the both of you .

"So ," Joseph began . "I have an important meeting to attend in the afternoon with the Mayor Smokey Brown , who Suzie's also very good friends with , so we'll be gone for a few-"

"Good morning all !" Suzie sang , interrupting , coming into the room to beckon everyone in . "It's ready !"


"Suzie Q !" Joseph called out three hours later , tapping his foot a little impatiently by the front door . Mrs Joestar soon rushed to her husband who was waiting at the front door with his briefcase in hand . "Oh bless you-  right , we've got to now go or we'll risk being late ." Joseph warned , opening the front door with his keys . "See you in a couple hours y/n"

"Okay ."

Once you'd closed the front door behind them , you yawned briefly as you stretched out your arms . You turned to casually stroll into the kitchen through the dining room ; you connected a pair of headphones to a portable music player before tucking it into the waistband of the comfy blue shorts you had on .

'I wonder if Mrs Joestar likes baking ?' you asked yourself aloud . 

You searched through the kitchen cupboards and started to take out the ingredients needed to bake brownies , placing them on the work surface . You continued to hum along to your music as you began to prepare a mixture , placing cut cubes of butter into a bowl with broken pieces of chocolate and sitting it on the rim of a quarter-full saucepan of warm water being heated on a low fire ; soon you removed the bowl from the pan and allowed to cool to room temperature meanwhile you greased a baking tin and subsequently prepared a bowl of thoroughly sieved cocoa powder and flour . As you later whisked a mixture eggs and sugar together with an electric mixer , you couldn't help but smile at the fun you were having in the kitchen .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now