Ch. 3 Do you believe in farytale?

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Do You Believe in Fairytales?

- Kailee'a pov. Will show up in this chapter-

Tommy and Adam's cars pull up to the hotel at the same time. Both Adam and Tommy jaws drop open. The outside of this place is huge and very fancy. All rooms have balconies with lavish green plants everywhere. All the doors and windows are lined with fake gold trimmings. The main entrance had a brightly colored awning surrounding it and there where brightly color flowers lining the path to the French doors.

Tommy's pov:

"Wow! This is where we are going to be staying?" I said out of amazement. I couldn't believe my eyes, this is by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen. It's like a place you see out of a travel magazine. "How can I afford to stay here? I don't even have a job." I say after awhile.

"Yes, this is where you will be staying for the next couple of months, while we get to know you better" she said with a smile. "Don't worry about any of your expanses, they will be taken care of by the organization."

"Wow, they really do want us to be happy, don't they?" I said rhetorically and Kailee just nodded in conformation.

"Shall we meet the other person you will be rooming with while in our program?" She said almost to happily.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I ask worriedly. I'm a little scare at the thought of sharing a room with someone I don't know. I have never shared a room with anyone in my life. I have always been an only child. So this is a while new concept for me. "Is my roommate nice?" Is all I can manage to say after a long few seconds.

"You'll just have to meet him." She says as we get out of the car. I hope my new roommate is nice and does not mind me being gay. Because this could get awkward faster then I can say my entire name.

Tommy pov: end

Adam pov:

"Wow, this place is breath taking. Look at the gold plating and all the beautiful plants. Is this where I will be staying?" I say taking in all of my beautiful surrounding. I am just at awe with all of this beauty and I'm at a loss for words.

Smiling, Kyle says "yes, this is where you will be staying and it is beautiful."

"How can I afford this place?" I say with a concerned voice. I don't have a job. I would have no clue how I would get the money needed to survive on my own.

"Stop worrying Adam, it's not attractive. We will be paying for everything while you are here in the program." He said with a that adorkable smile of his. Why does he have to have such a friggin cute for? Okay Adam stop. He's straight and likes that one "mother bird" any way. Plus, it would be illegal anyway!

"Wow, this must be some program." I say with my jaw on the floor. Wow, I must really freaking attractive now.

"Yep, but the only thing we ask is that you have a roommate that we pick based on interest. So I think you'll find your roommate a perfect match." He says all professional like.

Wait, did he just say roommate. Oh yeah, I love having another person at night with me. I hate being alone and I will do anything to percent myself from being alone if I can help it. "Oh really?" I say almost to excited.

"Wow, culm down, Mr. Fruity." He says jokingly. "We are about to meet them."

I will I can't wait. I just hope he don't mind me being gay and fruity like Mr. Supermodel says.

Adam pov: end

Kyle and Adam walk into the hotel first and then Kailee and Tommy follow. While all this is happening Kailee has been thinking.

Kailee pov:

Phase one of "Project Adommy" is done. So now phase 2 is under way.

Phase 2 is for Adam and Tommy to get to know each other well enough to be friends. They need to be friends so they can comfort each other in their time of need and they will need it. With all they have been through is enough to make anyone an emotional wreck. Believe me I know what it is like to be in their situation where was a total wreck and I didn't have anyone there to comfort me. That is why here at Firebird Rescue the "baby birds" share a room.

Kailee pov: end.

~Hey lovelies,

Whatcha think of this chapter?

Love you all you all are beautiful and awsome.~



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